Earn Free Pogo Gems through surveys and offers supplied by Peanut Labs.
I still receive quite a few emails about this, so hopefully this information will help.
Players have reported seeing e-mails, chat messages and other forms of communications regarding offers of "Free Gems" or "Free Tokens" and other items.
We strongly recommend that you do NOT sign up for these deals, as many of them are not legitimate offers. Some of these offers are made merely to collect screen names and passwords in order to hijack accounts.
On occasion, Pogo will offer free pogo gems, but those offers will come directly from Pogo or their official partner, Peanut Labs - via the pogo.com site. Be sure to look very carefully at the web address, as some of these offers come from sites that look a lot like "pogo.com" - but you'll be able to see that they are not.
Every, but every survey that I do I get disqualified, "Could this be an age thing" if so please make that a requirement so people don't waste their time.
i have the same issues! very upsetting
don't do the top 9 survey's they never work . do the ones below them . I have gotten over 1000 gems . easy. do the vertical ones click the free ones and 80 percent of them work. and only take 5 mins or less to do them.
how do you get the pogo gems
Been trying to buy gems and can't buy them, Why?
I didnt receive my gems,its been 2 weeks,,I was suppose to get 42 gems
Can I get them please?
If you don't get your gems (more often than not), go the Surveys page and click on ''transactions'' at the very top. You'll be able to file a ''complaint'' and peanuts lab will either award you the tokens OR argue with you. The last few times I have filed a complaint because I had a thanks for taking the survey page, peanuts lab refused to award the tokens (not a lot, only like 12) and said I should submit a copy of the thank you page...I think it's a big rip. Too bad, would have been nice if it worked as intended. Now I have no gems and am bombarded with spam emails.....sigh.
I signed up for Netflix and it didnt give me any free gems like it said it would.
You may want to check out the FAQ at the bottom of this page :
I am unable to receive the survey page, it shows up blank. Does anyone know why?
i did 5 surveys one for discover 141 gems another one for 14 and 3 for 1 each on silver sneakers on nov 6,2013.all i got for that was 2 gems.out of 158.pogo and peanut labs are terrible with handing out the gems for the surveys.
I have did the same one also the credit report ones and not 1 gem was credited. contact with pogo / E&a & peanut labs a waste of time
I only do surveys. Get disqualified about 60% probably due to age and race. Only stiffed once and that was the company not peanut labs. Took a rather long survey for drinks. finished it they said one more question and then said they had all the participants they needed after they got all of my responses. Very annoyed. EVERY survey I did complete I got the gems within minutes. by the time I reentered pogo the gems were there. No complaints from me
I have tried to do a survey at least 8 times, and was told I had already attempted that survey. Lately I have had a real hard time trying to do surveys because they keep disqualifying me for what seems like no reason to me. Do they want their stupid surveys done or not? Am I not a CONSUMER?
I have been trying to get gems for almost two weeks now and can't get them! Why can't i get them?
It will not lat me get any gems? I want to kmow why? Thank you
I also hate wasting my time when the something is available it should be if you are willing to take the time
I can not get pogo gems. i have been trying for over a month now. Why can't i get them?
I did many of the offers that said no credit card required. That is a lie. Had to enter credit info it charged my card and I NEVER got the gems. I made many complaints to Pogo & E&A and to the companies and it was pass the buck. It has been a year and still NO gems credited. Some you will receive but the higher offered gems are mostly scams. Like the Credit report or credit tracker
You have to be of a certain age, with a certain income and of a certain race in order to qualify for most of the surveys. I've found that you need to be female, single, no kids, aged between 24-35, hispanic or black or mixed, and income between 25-50k. Basically, the surveys want young people with disposable income.
Do Not Ever do any downloads and installs for gems if you do earn gems on Pogo .. every one I ever tried had viruses & malware in them.. thank goodness for my free avira antivirus catching them as soon as download is done.. many high priced AV programs don't until you install then its almost too late.. Also deal are crap half the time I do them I don't get the gems and surveys are a joke I never qualify I think due to my age mostly.. unfortunately My account is locked after being hacked and My CC info stolen & used on EA & I can't ada a credit card or even e debit again even though i was assured the probelm was all fixed by support .. it wasn't still have an Open case & had no answers back in well over a month was told to call but ir only gives recording taking you back to online to email which doesn't work.. I had to call main company number forst time and although they can take my membership fee from My PP now but not payment for gems so I can't buy any.. I had to resort to this scam crap to get even a little bit.. and this stinks.. after 12 years there you'd think they fix it and get it right .
I, will be 79>March25,2015!! And I have received gems; You have to keep trying;I have been refused many times>>Good Luck!!
this is something they can get rid of,,been pogo member for years,never gave me a thing, only when renewing membership.i will never take those surveys again,they want to much,what a joke,and one survey will get you 50 e-mails a day..giving pogo a bad name if you ask me...good luck
For 6 years I have not gotten any gems when I sign up to renew my membership why not
How do I find out what I supposedly bought with gems? They took out for item # 400 and #4000 ... Lost all my gems with these 2 items.
You can view your entire gem transactions by going to : My Account > Billing & Subscription and scroll down the page until you see the "View your Gem transaction record" link.
Only available if you live in US and Canada no good if you live anywhere else