11 Letter Words for Abandonment
9 Letter Words for Abandonment
andamento, bonnetman
8 Letter Words for Abandonment
montanan, nematoda
7 Letter Words for Abandonment
abandon, abdomen, adenoma, adenota, andante, antedon, antenna, bandman, bateman, batoned, batonne, beadman, boatman, boatmen, bondman, bondmen, dantean, donnean, emanant, madonna, manbote, mandant, mandate, montana, montane, nonmeat, notanda, noteman
6 Letter Words for Abandonment
abanet, abated, abaton, abonne, adatom, adnate, amande, amante, amated, ameban, amenta, amoeba, anadem, andean, annona, anonad, antdom, atoned, badman, badmen, banate, bandon, bannat, banned, bannet, bantam, banted, batman, batmen, bedamn, bedman, bemata, bemoan, bemoat, boated, bonnet, bonnne, daemon, danton, doment, donate, donnat, entomb, maenad, manbot, mandat, manent, mannan, manned, mannet, manton, mennon, moaned, moated, modena, namban, netman, nomade, nonane, nonent, nonman, nonmen, nonnat, nontan, obtend, omenta, taband, tandan, tandem, tanned, tanoan, teaman, tendon, tomand, tombed, tonada
5 Letter Words for Abandonment
aband, abate, abdat, abdom, abeam, abend, abnet, abode, aboma, abote, adman, admen, adobe, amant, amate, amban, ambon, amend, ament, anabo, anend, anent, annam, annat, annet, annot, anode, antae, anted, atame, atman, atone, baaed, badan, banat, banda, bande, bando, baned, batad, batea, bated, baton, beano, beant, beata, bedot, bemad, beman, bemat, benda, bento, beton, boann, boden, boned, bonne, botan, daman, damon, danta, dante, debat, deman, demob, demon, demot, denat, denom, deota, domba, donat, donet, donna, donne, entad, entom, manat, manba, manda, mande, maned, manet, manna, manta, manto, mated, meant, menat, menta, mento, metad, mobed, monad, monde, monte, moted, moten, namda, named, nanna, nenta, nomad, nomen, nonda, nonet, notan, noted, oaten, onned, tambo, tamed, tanan, tanna, tanoa, teman, tendo, tenno, tenon, todea, toman, tombe, toned, tonne
4 Letter Words for Abandonment
abed, abet, adam, adat, aden, adet, adon, amba, ambe, ambo, amdt, amen, amon, anam, anan, anat, anba, anda, anet, anna, anne, anno, anoa, anon, anta, ante, aona, ated, atma, atmo, atom, bade, band, bane, bant, bata, bate, bead, beam, bean, beat, bema, bena, bend, benn, beno, bent, beta, boat, bode, boma, bona, bond, bone, bonn, bota, bote, daba, dama, dame, damn, dana, dane, dant, data, date, dato, dean, debt, demo, dent, detn, doab, doat, dobe, doen, dome, domn, dona, done, dont, dote, ebon, edam, emda, enam, endo, ento, eoan, etna, eton, maad, maat, mabe, made, mado, maed, mana, mand, mane, mano, mant, mata, mate, mdnt, mead, mean, meat, mend, meno, ment, meta, moan, moat, mode, moed, moet, mona, mone, mont, mota, mote, naam, naan, nabe, nada, name, nana, nane, nant, nato, neat, nebn, nebo, nema, nemn, nemo, neon, node, noma, nome, nona, none, nota, note, oban, obdt, odea, oman, omen, tade, taed, taen, tame, tana, tane, tead, team, tean, tend, toad, tobe, toda, tode, toea, toed, tomb, tome, tone, tonn
3 Letter Words for Abandonment
aam, aba, abd, abm, abn, abo, abt, ade, adm, ado, ama, amb, ame, amt, ana, and, ane, ann, ant, aob, ate, atm, baa, bad, bae, bam, ban, bat, bde, bed, ben, bet, boa, bod, boe, bom, bon, bot, dab, dae, dam, dan, dao, dat, dea, deb, dem, den, det, dna, doa, dob, doe, dom, don, dot, ead, eam, ean, eat, ebn, edo, emo, end, eom, eon, eta, maa, mab, mad, mae, man, mao, mat, mba, mbd, mea, med, men, met, mna, moa, mob, mod, moe, mon, mot, mtd, mtn, naa, nab, nad, nae, nam, nat, nbe, nea, neb, ned, neo, net, nne, noa, nob, nod, nom, non, not, oad, oam, oat, oba, obe, oda, ode, omb, ona, one, ont, taa, tab, tad, tam, tan, tao, tea, ted, tem, ten, toa, tob, tod, toe, tom, ton
Definitions for Abandonment
[1] to leave completely and finally; forsake utterly; desert: to abandon one's farm; to abandon a child; to abandon a sinking ship.
[2] to give up; discontinue; withdraw from: to abandon a research project; to abandon hopes for a stage career.
[3] to give up the control of: to abandon a city to an enemy army.
[4] to yield (oneself) without restraint or moderation; give (oneself) over to natural impulses, usually without self-control: to abandon oneself to grief.
[5] Law . to cast away, leave, or desert, as property or a child.
[6] Insurance . to relinquish (insured property) to the underwriter in case of partial loss, thus enabling the insured to claim a total loss.
[7] Obsolete . to banish.
[8] to forsake completely; desert; leave behind to abandon a baby ; drivers had to abandon their cars
[9] abandon ship the order given to the crew of a ship that is about to sink to take to the lifeboats
[10] to give up completely to abandon a habit ; to abandon hope
[11] to yield control of or concern in; relinquish to abandon office
[12] to give up (something begun) before completion to abandon a job ; the game was abandoned
[13] to surrender (oneself) to emotion without restraint
[14] to give (insured property that has suffered partial loss or damage) to the insurers in order that a claim for a total loss may be made
[15] freedom from inhibitions, restraint, concern, or worry she danced with abandon
Words related to Abandonment
abandonrenunciation, relinquishment, quitclaim, surrender, resignation, waiver, carelessness, recklessness, unrestraint, lightheartedness, wildness, dereliction, desertion, jettison
Words nearby Abandonment
abandonabailard, abakan, abalone, abamp, abampere, abandon, abandon hope, all ye who enter here, abandoned, abandonee, abandonware, abapical
Origin of Abandonment
11325–75; Middle English abando(u)nen < Middle French abandoner for Old French (mettre ) a bandon (put) under (someone's) jurisdiction, equivalent to a at, to (< Latin ad; see ad-) + bandon < Germanic *band; see bond1
Other words from Abandonment
a·ban·don·a·ble , adjective
a·ban·don·er , noun
a·ban·don·ment , noun
non·a·ban·don·ment , noun
un·a·ban·don·ing , adjective
Word origin for Abandonment
C14: abandounen (vb), from Old French, from a bandon under one's control, in one's power, from a at, to + bandon control, power
Synonyms for Abandonment
dereliction, desertion, jettison, jilting