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Showing words for ABASH using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Abash
4 Letter Words for Abash
3 Letter Words for Abash
Definitions for Abash
[1] to destroy the self-confidence, poise, or self-possession of; disconcert; make ashamed or embarrassed: to abash someone by sneering.
[2] (tr; usually passive) to cause to feel ill at ease, embarrassed, or confused; make ashamed
Words related to Abash
Words nearby Abash
abapical, abaptiston, abarognosis, abase, abased, abash, abashed, abasia, abasia trepidans, abasia-astasia, abat-jour
Origin of Abash
1275–1325; Middle English abaishen < dialectal Old French abacher, Old French abaissier to put down, bring low (see abase), perhaps conflated with Anglo-French abaiss-, long stem of abair, Old French esba(h)ir to gape, marvel, amaze (es- ex-1 + -ba(h)ir, alteration of baer to open wide, gape < Vulgar Latin *batāre; cf. bay2, bay3)
Other words from Abash
a·bash·ment , noun
Word origin for Abash
C14: via Norman French from Old French esbair to be astonished, from es- out + bair to gape, yawn