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Showing words for ABASHED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Abashed
6 Letter Words for Abashed
5 Letter Words for Abashed
4 Letter Words for Abashed
3 Letter Words for Abashed
Definitions for Abashed
[1] ashamed or embarrassed; disconcerted: My clumsiness left me abashed.
[2] to destroy the self-confidence, poise, or self-possession of; disconcert; make ashamed or embarrassed: to abash someone by sneering.
[3] ill at ease, embarrassed, or confused; ashamed
[4] (tr; usually passive) to cause to feel ill at ease, embarrassed, or confused; make ashamed
Words related to Abashed
discombobulated, bewildered, confounded, humiliated, confused, disconcerted, embarrassed, chagrined, humbled, fazed, mortified, bugged, rattled, crushed, ashamed
Words nearby Abashed
abaptiston, abarognosis, abase, abased, abash, abashed, abasia, abasia trepidans, abasia-astasia, abat-jour, abatage
Origin of Abashed
1275–1325; Middle English abaishen < dialectal Old French abacher, Old French abaissier to put down, bring low (see abase), perhaps conflated with Anglo-French abaiss-, long stem of abair, Old French esba(h)ir to gape, marvel, amaze (es- ex-1 + -ba(h)ir, alteration of baer to open wide, gape < Vulgar Latin *batāre; cf. bay2, bay3)
Other words from Abashed
a·bash·ed·ly [uh -bash -id-lee] /əˈbæʃ ɪd li/ , adverb
a·bash·ed·ness , noun
un·a·bashed , adjective
a·bash·ment , noun
Word origin for Abashed
C14: via Norman French from Old French esbair to be astonished, from es- out + bair to gape, yawn
Synonyms for Abashed
bewildered, bugged, chagrined, confounded, confused, crushed, discombobulated, disconcerted, embarrassed, fazed, fuddled, humbled, humiliated, mortified, rattled, shamed, ashamed, in a tizzy, taken aback