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Showing words for ABDICATE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Abdicate
7 Letter Words for Abdicate
6 Letter Words for Abdicate
5 Letter Words for Abdicate
4 Letter Words for Abdicate
3 Letter Words for Abdicate
Definitions for Abdicate
[1] to renounce or relinquish a throne, right, power, claim, responsibility, or the like, especially in a formal manner: The aging founder of the firm decided to abdicate.
[2] to give up or renounce (authority, duties, an office, etc.), especially in a voluntary, public, or formal manner: King Edward VIII of England abdicated the throne in 1936.
[3] to renounce (a throne, power, responsibility, rights, etc), esp formally
Words related to Abdicate
relinquish, vacate, forgo, renounce, quit, retire, waive, cede, drop, resign, leave, abjure, yield, withdraw, abnegate, abandon, surrender, demit, quitclaim
Words nearby Abdicate
abd., abdelkader, abderhalden, abdias, abdicant, abdicate, abdication, abdom., abdomen, abdomin-, abdominal
Origin of Abdicate
1535–45; < Latin abdicātus renounced (past participle of abdicāre ), equivalent to ab- ab- + dicātus proclaimed (dic- (see dictum) + -ātus -ate1)
Words that may be confused with Abdicate
abdicate, abrogate, arrogate, derogate
Other words from Abdicate
ab·di·ca·ble [ab -di-kuh -buh l] /ˈæb dɪ kə bəl/ , adjective
ab·di·ca·tive [ab -di-key-tiv, -kuh -] /ˈæb dɪˌkeɪ tɪv, -kə-/ , adjective
ab·di·ca·tor , noun
non·ab·di·ca·tive , adjective
un·ab·di·cat·ed , adjective
un·ab·di·cat·ing , adjective
un·ab·di·ca·tive , adjective
Word origin for Abdicate
C16: from the past participle of Latin abdicāre to proclaim away, disclaim
Synonyms for Abdicate
forgo, relinquish, renounce, step down, vacate, abandon, abjure, abnegate, cede, drop, leave, quit, resign, retire, surrender, waive, withdraw, yield, bag it, bail out, demit, give up, leave high and dry, leave holding the bag, leave in the lurch, opt out, quitclaim, sell out