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Showing words for ABOLISH using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Abolish
6 Letter Words for Abolish
5 Letter Words for Abolish
4 Letter Words for Abolish
3 Letter Words for Abolish
Definitions for Abolish
[1] to do away with; put an end to; annul; make void: to abolish slavery.
[2] (tr) to do away with (laws, regulations, customs, etc); put an end to
Words related to Abolish
prohibit, overturn, revoke, suppress, terminate, nullify, annul, overthrow, cancel, abrogate, rescind, repeal, dissolve, eradicate, invalidate, repudiate, vacate, erase, kill, extirpate
Words nearby Abolish
aboardage, abode, abohm, aboideau, aboil, abolish, abolition, abolitionism, abolitionist, abolitionize, abolla
Origin of Abolish
1425–75; late Middle English < Middle French aboliss-, long stem of abolir < Latin abolēre to destroy, efface, put an end to; change of conjugation perhaps by association with Latin abolitiō abolition
Other words from Abolish
a·bol·ish·a·ble , adjective
a·bol·ish·er , noun
a·bol·ish·ment , noun
un·a·bol·ish·a·ble , adjective
un·a·bol·ished , adjective
well-a·bol·ished , adjective
Word origin for Abolish
C15: from Old French aboliss- (lengthened stem of abolir ), ultimately from Latin abolēre to destroy
Synonyms for Abolish
abrogate, annul, cancel, dissolve, eradicate, nullify, overthrow, overturn, prohibit, put an end to, repeal, rescind, revoke, set aside, stamp out, suppress, terminate, wipe out, abate, annihilate, destroy, disestablish, end, erase, expunge, extinguish, extirpate, finish, inhibit, invalidate, kill, negate, nix, obliterate, quash, repudiate, scrub, squelch, subvert, supersede, undo, vacate, vitiate, void, zap, call off, put kibosh on, put the kibosh on