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Showing words for ABOLITION using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Abolition
8 Letter Words for Abolition
7 Letter Words for Abolition
6 Letter Words for Abolition
5 Letter Words for Abolition
4 Letter Words for Abolition
3 Letter Words for Abolition
Definitions for Abolition
[1] the act of abolishing: the abolition of war.
[2] the state of being abolished; annulment; abrogation: the abolition of unjust laws; the abolition of unfair taxes.
[3] the legal prohibition and ending of slavery, especially of slavery of blacks in the U.S.
[4] the act of abolishing or the state of being abolished; annulment
[5] (often capital) (in British territories) the ending of the slave trade (1807) or the ending of slavery (1833): accomplished after a long campaign led by William Wilberforce
[6] (often capital) (in the US) the emancipation of the slaves, accomplished by the Emancipation Proclamation issued in 1863 and ratified in 1865
Words related to Abolition
revocation, eradication, dissolution, overthrow, abrogation, annulment, destruction, withdrawal, elimination, termination, repeal, nullification, cancellation, abolishment, subversion, end, invalidation, negation, ending, annihilation
Words nearby Abolition
abode, abohm, aboideau, aboil, abolish, abolition, abolitionism, abolitionist, abolitionize, abolla, abomasum
Origin of Abolition
1520–30; < Latin abolitiōn- (stem of abolitiō ), equivalent to abolit(us ) effaced, destroyed, past participle of abolēre (cf. abolish) + -iōn- -ion
Other words from Abolition
ab·o·li·tion·ar·y , adjective
non·ab·o·li·tion , noun
pro·ab·o·li·tion , adjective
Word origin for Abolition
C16: from Latin abolitio, from abolēre to destroy
Synonyms for Abolition
abolishment, abrogation, annulment, cancellation, destruction, dissolution, elimination, eradication, nullification, overthrow, repeal, revocation, termination, withdrawal, annihilation, end, ending, extirpation, invalidation, negation, obliteration, repudiation, rescission, subversion, suppression, voiding, overturning, quashing, rescinding, rescindment, wiping out