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Showing words for ABSTAIN using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Abstain
6 Letter Words for Abstain
5 Letter Words for Abstain
4 Letter Words for Abstain
3 Letter Words for Abstain
Definitions for Abstain
[1] to hold oneself back voluntarily, especially from something regarded as improper or unhealthy (usually followed by from ): to abstain from eating meat.
[2] to refrain from casting one's vote: a referendum in which two delegates abstained.
[3] to choose to refrain he abstained from alcohol
[4] to refrain from voting, esp in a committee, legislature, etc
Words related to Abstain
quit, renounce, refrain, withhold, forgo, cease, shun, forbear, decline, refuse, spurn, avoid, eschew, stop, fast, abjure, curb, evade, pass, constrain
Words nearby Abstain
absorption hygrometer, absorption spectrum, absorptive, absorptivity, absquatulate, abstain, abstainer, abstemious, abstention, abstentionism, abstergent
Origin of Abstain
1350–1400; Middle English abste(i)nen < Middle French abstenir ≪ Latin abstinēre, equivalent to abs- abs- + -tinēre, combining form of tenēre to hold, keep
Other words from Abstain
non·ab·stain·ing , adjective
o·ver·ab·stain , verb (used without object)
Word origin for Abstain
C14: via Old French from Latin abstinēre, from abs- ab- 1 + tenēre to hold, keep
Synonyms for Abstain
cease, forgo, pass up, quit, refrain, renounce, shun, withhold, abjure, abnegate, avoid, constrain, curb, decline, eschew, evade, fast, forbear, pass, refuse, spurn, starve, stop, deny oneself, do without, fence-sit, give the go by, give up, go on the wagon, keep from, sit on one's hands, sit on the fence, sit out, take the cure, take the pledge