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Showing words for ABUNDANT using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Abundant
6 Letter Words for Abundant
5 Letter Words for Abundant
4 Letter Words for Abundant
3 Letter Words for Abundant
Definitions for Abundant
[1] present in great quantity; more than adequate; oversufficient: an abundant supply of water.
[2] well supplied with something; abounding: a river abundant in salmon.
[3] richly supplied, as with resources: an abundant land.
[4] existing in plentiful supply
[5] (postpositive foll by in ) having a plentiful supply (of)
[6] (of a chemical element or mineral) occurring to an extent specified in relation to other elements or minerals in the earth's crust or some other specified environment
[7] (of an isotope) occurring to an extent specified in relation to other isotopes in a mixture of isotopes
Words related to Abundant
heavy, generous, ample, sufficient, bountiful, copious, rich, abounding, exuberant, filled, full, lavish, liberal, luxuriant, overflowing, plenty, profuse, teeming, bounteous, plenteous
Words nearby Abundant
abukir bay, abulia, abumeron, abuna, abundance, abundant, abundant number, abundant year, abundantly, abury, abusage
Origin of Abundant
1325–75; Middle English (< Middle French ) < Latin abundant- (stem of abundāns ) overflowing. See abound, -ant
Other words from Abundant
a·bun·dant·ly , adverb
pre·a·bun·dant , adjective
pre·a·bun·dant·ly , adverb
Word origin for Abundant
C14: from Latin abundant-, present participle of abundāre to abound
Synonyms for Abundant
ample, bountiful, copious, generous, heavy, rich, sufficient, abounding, bounteous, crawling with, cup runs over with, eco-rich, exuberant, filled, full, lavish, liberal, lousy with, luxuriant, mucho, no end of, overflowing, plate is full of, plenteous, plenty, profuse, rolling in, stinking with, teeming