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Showing words for ABUSE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Abuse
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3 Letter Words for Abuse
Definitions for Abuse
[1] to use wrongly or improperly; misuse: to abuse one's authority.
[2] to treat in a harmful, injurious, or offensive way: to abuse a horse; to abuse one's eyesight.
[3] to speak insultingly, harshly, and unjustly to or about; revile; malign.
[4] to commit sexual assault upon.
[5] Obsolete . to deceive or mislead.
[6] wrong or improper use; misuse: the abuse of privileges.
[7] harshly or coarsely insulting language: The officer heaped abuse on his men.
[8] bad or improper treatment; maltreatment: The child was subjected to cruel abuse.
[9] a corrupt or improper practice or custom: the abuses of a totalitarian regime.
[10] rape or sexual assault.
[11] Obsolete . deception.
[12] abuse oneself , to masturbate.
[13] to use incorrectly or improperly; misuse
[14] to maltreat, esp physically or sexually
[15] to speak insultingly or cruelly to; revile
[16] (reflexive) to masturbate
[17] improper, incorrect, or excessive use; misuse
[18] maltreatment of a person; injury
[19] insulting, contemptuous, or coarse speech
[20] an evil, unjust, or corrupt practice
[21] See child abuse
[22] archaic a deception
Words related to Abuse
prostitution, crime, exploitation, misdeed, injustice, wrongdoing, offense, misuse, misconduct, corruption, harm, violation, maltreatment, damage, injury, pollution, violate, maltreat, impair, corrupt
Words nearby Abuse
abundant number, abundant year, abundantly, abury, abusage, abuse, abusive, abut, abutilon, abutment, abuttal
Origin of Abuse
1400–50; (v.) late Middle English abusen < Middle French abuser, verbal derivative of abus < Latin abūsus misuse, wasting, equivalent to abūt(ī ) to use up, misuse (ab- ab- + ūtī to use) + -tus suffix of v. action; (noun) late Middle English abus < Middle French abus or Latin abūsus
Other words from Abuse
a·bus·a·ble [uh -byoo -zuh -buh l] /əˈbyu zə bəl/ , adjective
a·bus·er , noun
an·ti·a·buse , adjective
o·ver·a·buse , noun, verb (used with object), o·ver·a·bused, o·ver·a·bus·ing.
un·a·bus·a·ble , adjective
un·a·bused , adjective
a•bus′ er n.
Word origin for Abuse
c14 (vb): via Old French from Latin abūsus, past participle of abūtī to misuse, from ab- 1 + ūtī to use
Synonyms for Abuse
corruption, crime, exploitation, injustice, misconduct, misdeed, misuse, offense, prostitution, wrongdoing, debasement, delinquency, desecration, fault, misapplication, mishandling, mismanage, perversion, sin, wrong