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Showing words for ACCOUNTING using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Accounting
[1] the theory and system of setting up, maintaining, and auditing the books of a firm; art of analyzing the financial position and operating results of a business house from a study of its sales, purchases, overhead, etc. (distinguished from bookkeeping).
[2] a detailed report of the financial state or transactions of a person or entity: an accounting of the estate.
[3] the rendering or submission of such a report.
[4] an oral or written description of particular events or situations; narrative: an account of the meetings; an account of the trip.
[5] an explanatory statement of conduct, as to a superior.
[6] a statement of reasons, causes, etc., explaining some event.
[7] reason; basis: On this account I'm refusing your offer.
[8] importance; worth; value; consequence: things of no account.
[9] estimation; judgment: In his account it was an excellent piece of work.
[10] an amount of money deposited with a bank, as in a checking or savings account: My account is now with Third National.
[11] Also called charge account. an accommodation or service extended by a business to a customer or client permitting the charging of goods or services, the returning for credit of unsatisfactory merchandise, etc.: Do you have an account at this store? My account with the restaurant is past due.
[12] a statement of financial transactions.
[13] Bookkeeping . a formal record of the debits and credits relating to the person, business, etc., named at the head of the ledger account. a balance of a specified period's receipts and expenditures.
[14] Commerce . a business relation in which credit is used. any customer or client, especially one carried on a regular credit basis. Also called advertising account. the business assigned to an advertising agency by a client: The toothpaste account was awarded to a new agency last year.
[15] to give an explanation (usually followed by for ): to account for the accident.
[16] to answer concerning one's conduct, duties, etc. (usually followed by for ): to account for the missing typewriters.
[17] to provide a report on money received, kept, and spent.
[18] to cause (usually followed by for ): The humidity accounts for our discomfort. His reckless driving accounted for the accident.
[19] to regard; consider as: I account myself well paid.
[20] to assign or impute (usually followed by to ): the many virtues accounted to him.
[21] the skill or practice of maintaining and auditing accounts and preparing reports on the assets, liabilities, etc, of a business (as modifier ) an accounting period ; accounting entity
[22] a verbal or written report, description, or narration of some occurrence, event, etc
[23] an explanation of conduct, esp one made to someone in authority
[24] ground; basis; consideration (often in the phrases on this (that, every, no, etc) account , on account of )
[25] importance, consequence, or value of little account
[26] assessment; judgment
[27] profit or advantage to turn an idea to account
[28] part or behalf (only in the phrase on one's or someone's account )
[29] finance a business relationship between a bank, department store, stockbroker, etc, and a depositor, customer, or client permitting the latter certain banking or credit services the sum of money deposited at a bank the amount of credit available to the holder of an account a record of these
[30] a statement of monetary transactions with the resulting balance
[31] (on the London Stock Exchange) the period, ordinarily of a fortnight's duration, in which transactions formerly took place and at the end of which settlements were made
[32] accounting a chronological list of debits and credits relating to a specified asset, liability, expense, or income of a business and forming part of the ledger
[33] a regular client or customer, esp a firm that purchases commodities on credit an area of business assigned to another they transferred their publicity account to a new agent
[34] call to account or bring to account to insist on explanation to rebuke; reprimand to hold responsible
[35] give a bad account of oneself to perform badly he gave a bad account of himself in the examination
[36] give a good account of oneself to perform well
[37] on account on credit Also: to account as partial payment
[38] on account of (preposition) because of; by reason of
[39] take account of or take into account to take into consideration; allow for
[40] settle accounts with or square accounts with to pay or receive a balance due to get revenge on (someone)
[41] See bank account, credit account
[42] (tr) to consider or reckon he accounts himself poor
Words related to Accounting
bookkeeping, computing, reckoning, calculating, auditing
Words nearby Accounting
account receivable, accountability, accountable, accountancy, accountant, accounting, accounting machine, accounting period, accouplement, accouter, accouterment
Origin of Accounting
1225–75; (noun) Middle English a(c)ount(e ), ac(c)ompte < Anglo-French, Old French aco(u)nte, acompte; (v.) Middle English ac(co)unten < Old French acunter, acompter. See ac-, count1
Words that may be confused with Accounting
accounting, bookkeeping, finance(s)
Other words from Accounting
pre·ac·count , verb
sub·ac·count , noun
un·ac·count·ed , adjective
Word origin for Accounting
C13: from Old French acont, from conter, compter to count 1
Synonyms for Accounting
bookkeeping, computing, auditing, calculating, reckoning, balancing the books