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Showing words for ACCUMULATE using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Accumulate
8 Letter Words for Accumulate
7 Letter Words for Accumulate
6 Letter Words for Accumulate
5 Letter Words for Accumulate
4 Letter Words for Accumulate
3 Letter Words for Accumulate
Definitions for Accumulate
[1] to gather or collect, often in gradual degrees; heap up: to accumulate wealth.
[2] to gather into a heap, mass, cover, etc.; form a steadily increasing quantity: Snow accumulated in the driveway. His debts kept on accumulating.
[3] to gather or become gathered together in an increasing quantity; amass; collect
Words related to Accumulate
compile, acquire, swell, assemble, accrue, increase, collect, concentrate, gain, hoard, grow, expand, incorporate, cache, profit, gather, procure, unite, agglomerate, amalgamate
Words nearby Accumulate
acculturation, acculturationist, acculturize, accum., accumbent, accumulate, accumulation, accumulation point, accumulative, accumulator, accuracy
Origin of Accumulate
1520–30; < Latin accumulātus heaped up (past participle of accumulāre ), equivalent to ac- ac- + cumul(us ) heap + -ātus -ate1
Other words from Accumulate
ac·cu·mu·la·ble , adjective
non·ac·cu·mu·lat·ing , adjective
o·ver·ac·cu·mu·late , verb, o·ver·ac·cu·mu·lat·ed, o·ver·ac·cu·mu·lat·ing.
pre·ac·cu·mu·late , verb (used with object), pre·ac·cu·mu·lat·ed, pre·ac·cu·mu·lat·ing.
re·ac·cu·mu·late , verb, re·ac·cu·mu·lat·ed, re·ac·cu·mu·lat·ing.
su·per·ac·cu·mu·late , verb (used without object), su·per·ac·cu·mu·lat·ed, su·per·ac·cu·mu·lat·ing.
un·ac·cu·mu·la·ble , adjective
un·ac·cu·mu·lat·ed , adjective
well-ac·cu·mu·lat·ed , adjective
Word origin for Accumulate
C16: from Latin accumulātus, past participle of accumulāre to heap up, from cumulus a heap
Synonyms for Accumulate
accrue, acquire, add to, assemble, collect, compile, concentrate, expand, gain, grow, hoard, increase, pile up, rack up, swell, agglomerate, aggregate, amalgamate, cache, collocate, cumulate, gather, heap, incorporate, lump, mass, pile, procure, profit, stockpile, store, unite, bring together, clean up, draw together, heap together, load up, make a bundle, make a killing, roll up, round up, scare up, stack up, store up