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Showing words for ACCUSED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Accused
6 Letter Words for Accused
5 Letter Words for Accused
4 Letter Words for Accused
3 Letter Words for Accused
Definitions for Accused
[1] charged with a crime, wrongdoing, fault, etc.: the accused boy.
[2] a person or persons charged in a court of law with a crime, offense, etc. (often preceded by the ).
[3] to charge with the fault, offense, or crime (usually followed by of ): He accused him of murder.
[4] to find fault with; blame.
[5] to make an accusation.
[6] the accused law the defendant or defendants appearing on a criminal charge
[7] to charge (a person or persons) with some fault, offence, crime, etc; impute guilt or blame
Words related to Accused
implicated, arraigned, indicted, liable
Words nearby Accused
accusatival, accusative, accusatorial, accusatory, accuse, accused, accuser, accustom, accustomed, accustomed to, accutane
Origin of Accused
1250–1300; Middle English ac(c)usen < Old French acuser < Latin accūsāre to call to account (ac- ac- + -cūs-, combining form of caus-; see cause)
Words that may be confused with Accused
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, accuseaccuse, allege, charge
Other words from Accused
mis·ac·cused , adjective
self-ac·cused , adjective
un·ac·cused , adjective
ac·cus·a·ble , adjective
ac·cus·a·bly , adverb
ac·cus·ant , noun
ac·cus·ing·ly , adverb
in·ter·ac·cuse , verb (used with object), in·ter·ac·cused, in·ter·ac·cus·ing.
non·ac·cus·ing , adjective
pre·ac·cuse , verb (used with object), pre·ac·cused, pre·ac·cus·ing.
re·ac·cuse , verb (used with object), re·ac·cused, re·ac·cus·ing.
self-ac·cus·ing , adjective
un·ac·cus·a·ble , adjective
un·ac·cus·ing , adjective
un·ac·cus·ing·ly , adverb
Word origin for Accused
C13: via Old French from Latin accūsāre to call to account, from ad- to + causa lawsuit
Synonyms for Accused
arraigned, implicated, incriminated, indicted, charged with, held for questioning, liable, subject to accusation, under indictment, under suspicion