10 Letter Words for Acetabulum
8 Letter Words for Acetabulum
ambulate, clubmate, cumulate, maculate
7 Letter Words for Acetabulum
actable, acumble, amebula, atumble, baculum, calumba, calumet, camblet, cautela, culbute, cumulet, lambeau, mutable, tabacum, tableau, tamable
6 Letter Words for Acetabulum
ablate, ablaut, ablute, acetal, acetla, acetum, actual, acuate, aculea, albuca, almuce, amable, amulae, amulet, aucuba, bacula, bacule, balate, bateau, batule, baulea, becalm, bemata, bemaul, betula, cablet, caelum, camlet, cautel, clambe, culbut, cumble, lactam, lecama, lucuma, luteum, mabela, macula, macule, macuta, macute, malate, meatal, mucate, muleta, mutual, mutuca, mutuel, mutule, tabula, tabule, talcum, tamale, tambac, tecuma, tubule, tucuma, tumble, ulmate, umlaut
5 Letter Words for Acetabulum
abate, abaue, abeam, ablet, acale, acate, aceta, acute, alate, album, alcea, aleut, aluta, amate, amaut, amble, amelu, amlet, amula, atame, atule, aulae, autem, balat, balau, balut, batea, batel, baume, bauta, beala, beata, beaut, becut, belam, belat, bemat, blame, blate, bleat, bluet, blume, butea, butle, cabal, cable, camel, camla, catel, cauma, clamb, clame, claut, cleam, cleat, cubla, culet, cumal, cumbu, eclat, ectal, lacet, lamba, lautu, leuma, lucet, lumut, lutea, macau, macle, malta, meaul, melba, metal, mulct, mulet, tabac, tabel, tabla, table, talea, talma, tamal, taube, taula, tecum, tubae, tubal, tucum, ulama, ulema, umbel, umble
4 Letter Words for Acetabulum
abac, abel, abet, able, abut, acle, aclu, acme, acta, actu, alae, alba, albe, alca, alce, alec, alem, alma, alme, alum, amal, amba, ambe, amel, amla, atle, atma, atua, aube, auca, aula, aulu, aute, baal, bact, bale, balm, balu, bata, bate, baul, beal, beam, beat, beau, bela, belt, bema, beta, blae, blam, blat, blea, blet, bleu, blue, bual, buat, bult, bute, caam, caba, calm, camb, came, cate, caul, caum, cebu, celt, clam, clat, clem, club, clue, clum, cuba, cube, culm, cult, cute, etua, lace, laet, lama, lamb, lame, lata, late, leam, leat, lect, luau, luba, lube, luce, lute, maat, mabe, mace, mala, male, malt, mata, mate, maul, maut, meal, meat, mela, melt, meta, mule, mult, muta, mute, taal, tace, tael, tala, talc, tale, tame, taum, teal, team, teca, tela, tuba, tube, tula, tule, tulu, tume, tuum, ulta, ulua, utum
3 Letter Words for Acetabulum
aal, aam, aba, abc, abl, abm, abt, abu, ace, act, ala, alb, alc, ale, alt, ama, amb, ame, amt, amu, ate, atm, aul, aum, baa, bac, bae, bal, bam, bat, bec, bel, bet, blt, btl, btu, bul, bum, but, cab, cal, cam, cat, cel, cml, cte, cub, cue, cul, cum, cut, eam, eat, eau, ecb, ecm, ect, ecu, ela, elb, elm, elt, emu, eta, etc, laa, lab, lac, lam, lat, lca, lcm, lea, lem, let, leu, ltm, lub, lue, lum, lut, maa, mab, mac, mae, mal, mat, mau, mba, mea, mel, met, meu, mut, taa, tab, tal, tam, tau, tea, tec, tel, tem, tlc, tua, tub, tue, tum, ubc, uca, ula, ule, ult, ulu, uma, ume, umu, uta, utc, ute, utu
Definitions for Acetabulum
[1] Anatomy . the socket in the hipbone that receives the head of the thighbone.
[2] Zoology . any of the suction appendages of a leech, octopus, etc.
[3] the deep cuplike cavity on the side of the hipbone that receives the head of the thighbone
[4] a round muscular sucker in flatworms, leeches, and cephalopod molluscs
[5] the aperture in the thorax of an insect that holds the leg
Words nearby Acetabulum
acet-, acetabular fossa, acetabulectomy, acetabuliform, acetabuloplasty, acetabulum, acetal, acetaldehyde, acetaldol, acetamide, acetaminophen
Origin of Acetabulum
1660–70; < Latin: hip socket, cup-shaped part of a plant (Pliny), literally, small cup, orig. for vinegar, equivalent to acēt(um ) vinegar + -ā- by analogy with verbal derivatives (cf. vocable) + -bulum suffix denoting instrument or vessel
Other words from Acetabulum
ac·e·tab·u·lar , adjective
post·ac·e·tab·u·lar , adjective
pre·ac·e·tab·u·lar , adjective
sub·ac·e·tab·u·lar , adjective
ac′e•tab′ u•lar adj.
Word origin for Acetabulum
Latin: vinegar cup, hence a cuplike cavity, from acētum vinegar + -abulum, suffix denoting a container