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Showing words for ACQUIRE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Acquire
6 Letter Words for Acquire
5 Letter Words for Acquire
4 Letter Words for Acquire
3 Letter Words for Acquire
Definitions for Acquire
[1] to come into possession or ownership of; get as one's own: to acquire property.
[2] to gain for oneself through one's actions or efforts: to acquire learning.
[3] Linguistics . to achieve native or nativelike command of (a language or a linguistic rule or element).
[4] Military . to locate and track (a moving target) with a detector, as radar.
[5] (tr) to get or gain (something, such as an object, trait, or ability), esp more or less permanently
Words related to Acquire
amass, earn, buy, get, win, gain, have, collect, promote, achieve, take, cop, land, secure, annex, gather, procure, wangle, snag, access
Words nearby Acquire
acquainted, acquest, acquiesce, acquiescence, acquiescent, acquire, acquired, acquired antibody, acquired behaviour, acquired character, acquired characteristic
Origin of Acquire
1400–50; < Latin acquīrere to add to one's possessions, acquire (ac- ac- + -quīrere, combining form of quaerere to search for, obtain); replacing late Middle English aquere < Middle French aquerre < Latin
Other words from Acquire
ac·quir·a·ble , adjective
ac·quir·a·bil·i·ty , noun
ac·quir·er , noun
pre·ac·quire , verb, pre·ac·quired, pre·ac·quir·ing.
re·ac·quire , verb (used with object), re·ac·quired, re·ac·quir·ing.
self-ac·quired , adjective
un·ac·quir·a·ble , adjective
un·ac·quired , adjective
well-ac·quired , adjective
Word origin for Acquire
C15: via Old French from Latin acquīrere, from ad- in addition + quaerere to get, seek
Synonyms for Acquire
achieve, amass, bring in, buy, collect, earn, gain, get, have, pick up, promote, take, win, access, annex, attain, catch, cop, corral, gather, grab, hustle, land, procure, secure, snag, wangle, get hands on, get hold of, latch onto, lock up, rack up, scare up, take possession of