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Showing words for ACTIVATING using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Activating

activating, cavitating

9 Letter Words for Activating


8 Letter Words for Activating

aviating, vacating

7 Letter Words for Activating

actinia, activin, agitant, agnatic, aviatic, cantiga, catting, ignatia, ignavia, titania, titanic, vaganti, vatican, vatting, viatica

6 Letter Words for Activating

acting, antica, atavic, atinga, attain, attica, avanti, avitic, cangia, cating, cattan, caving, citing, gitana, gittin, incavi, intact, invict, natica, tanica, ticing, titian, vacant, vagant, vagina, viatic, vicing, vinata, vitita

5 Letter Words for Activating

acing, acini, actin, again, agita, agnat, angia, antic, atavi, ating, attic, avant, avian, cagit, catan, cavia, cavin, gaitt, ganta, gavia, giant, givin, icing, inact, navig, niata, nitta, tacan, tacit, taiga, taint, tanga, tangi, tania, tanti, tatin, tiang, tinca, tinct, tingi, tinta, titan, vatic, vicia, vigia, vigna, vinca, vinci, vingt, vinic, vinta, vitta

4 Letter Words for Activating

acta, actg, agin, agit, agni, aina, aint, anat, anga, anta, anti, atta, attn, cain, cang, cant, cava, gaia, gain, gait, gant, gata, gatt, gnat, inca, inga, inia, init, inta, inti, invt, itai, ivin, naga, nagi, naig, navi, ngai, tact, taig, tain, tait, tana, tang, tava, tinc, ting, tint, titi, vagi, vain, vang, vant, vica, viga, vina, vint, vita

3 Letter Words for Activating

act, aga, agt, aia, ain, ait, ana, anc, ant, att, ava, avg, avn, cag, cai, can, cat, cav, cia, cig, cit, civ, ctg, ctn, cva, gan, gat, gin, git, gtc, gtt, iaa, ign, inc, ing, int, inv, ita, iva, naa, nag, nat, nav, nig, nit, taa, tag, tai, tan, tat, tav, tgn, tgt, tic, tig, tin, tit, tng, tnt, vac, vag, van, vat, via, vic, vig, vii, vin

Definitions for Activating

[1] to make active; cause to function or act.
[2] Physics . to render more reactive; excite: to activate a molecule. to induce radioactivity.
[3] to aerate (sewage) in order to accelerate decomposition of impure organic matter by microorganisms.
[4] Chemistry . to make (carbon, a catalyst, molecules, etc.) more active. to hasten (reactions) by various means, as heating.
[5] to place (a military unit or station) on an active status in an assigned capacity.
[6] to make active or capable of action
[7] physics to make radioactive
[8] chem to increase the rate of (a reaction) to treat (a substance, such as carbon or alumina) so as to increase powers of adsorption
[9] physiol to prepare by arousal (the body or one of its organs (e.g. the brain)) for action
[10] to purify (sewage) by aeration
[11] US military to create, mobilize, or organize (a unit)

Words related to Activating

activatetrigger, mobilize, stimulate, move, prompt, propel, energize, motivate, actuate, impel, start, arouse, rouse, stir

Words nearby Activating

activateactionable, actioner, actions speak louder than words, actis, actium, activate, activated alumina, activated carbon, activated charcoal, activated mine, activated resin

Origin of Activating

eFirst recorded in 1620–30; active + -ate1

Words that may be confused with Activating

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, activateactivate, actuate, stimulate

Other words from Activating

ac·ti·va·tion , noun
non·ac·ti·va·tion , noun
o·ver·ac·ti·vate , verb (used with object), o·ver·ac·ti·vat·ed, o·ver·ac·ti·vat·ing.
su·per·ac·ti·vate , verb (used with object), su·per·ac·ti·vat·ed, su·per·ac·ti·vat·ing.
un·ac·ti·vat·ed , adjective

Synonyms for Activating

call up, mobilize, stimulate, switch on, trigger, turn on, actuate, arouse, energize, impel, motivate, move, prompt, propel, rouse, start, stir, actify, set in motion, take out of mothballs