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Showing words for ADDENDUM using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Addendum
7 Letter Words for Addendum
6 Letter Words for Addendum
5 Letter Words for Addendum
4 Letter Words for Addendum
3 Letter Words for Addendum
Definitions for Addendum
[1] a thing to be added; an addition.
[2] an appendix to a book.
[3] Machinery . the radial distance between the tip of a gear tooth and the pitch circle of a gear or the pitch line of a rack. Compare dedendum. Also called addendum circle. an imaginary circle touching the tips of the teeth on a gear.
[4] something added; an addition
[5] a supplement or appendix to a book, magazine, etc
[6] the radial distance between the major and pitch cylinders of an external screw thread
[7] the radial distance between the pitch circle and tip of a gear tooth
Words related to Addendum
postscript, appendix, codicil, extension, extra, addition, adjunct, supplement, augmentation, attachment, appendage, rider
Words nearby Addendum
added sixth, added title page, added-value tax, addend, addenda, addendum, adder, adder's-meat, adder's-mouth, adder's-tongue, adderall
Origin of Addendum
1785–95; neuter singular of Latin addendus to be added, gerundive of addere to add
Word origin for Addendum
C18: from Latin, literally: a thing to be added, neuter gerundive of addere to add
Synonyms for Addendum
appendix, postscript, addition, adjunct, appendage, attachment, augmentation, codicil, extension, extra, rider, supplement