9 Letter Words for Addiction
8 Letter Words for Addiction
actinoid, addition, diatonic, naticoid
7 Letter Words for Addiction
acidoid, conidia, diactin, diction, didonia, nicotia
6 Letter Words for Addiction
action, addict, aditio, adonic, aition, anodic, antido, atonic, candid, cation, dacoit, dation, diacid, diadic, didact, diotic, dition, indico, indict, nidiot, otidia, ticino
5 Letter Words for Addiction
acini, acoin, actin, acton, adcon, addio, adion, aditi, ainoi, antic, caddo, canid, canto, cnida, coaid, coati, conia, conta, contd, cotan, daint, danic, danio, diact, dicot, dicta, didna, didnt, dinic, diota, dioti, doand, doina, donat, idant, iddat, idion, idiot, inact, india, indic, iodic, iodid, iodin, ionia, ionic, nicad, niota, nitid, noddi, octad, octan, oidia, oncia, ontic, taino, tinca, tondi, tonic
4 Letter Words for Addiction
acid, addn, adit, adod, adon, aint, aion, anti, atoc, cadi, caid, cain, cand, cant, caon, ciao, cion, cito, coat, coda, coin, coit, cond, coni, cont, dado, dain, dand, dant, dato, dian, dict, didn, dido, dino, dint, dioc, dita, doat, doit, dona, doni, dont, icao, icod, icon, idic, inca, inia, init, inta, inti, into, iota, itai, naid, naio, naoi, nato, nidi, nito, nodi, nota, octa, odic, odin, oint, onca, otic, taco, tain, tiao, tidi, tinc, tind, toad, toda
3 Letter Words for Addiction
act, adc, add, ado, aid, ain, ait, anc, and, ant, cad, cai, can, cat, cia, cid, cit, cod, con, cot, ctn, cto, dad, dan, dao, dat, dca, ddt, dia, did, din, dit, dna, doa, doc, dod, don, dot, dtd, iao, ida, ido, inc, ind, int, ion, ita, itd, nad, nat, nco, nid, nit, noa, nod, not, oad, oat, oca, oct, oda, odd, oii, ona, oni, ont, otc, tad, tai, tan, tao, tic, tid, tin, toa, toc, tod, toi, ton
Definitions for Addiction
[1] the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.
[2] the condition of being abnormally dependent on some habit, esp compulsive dependency on narcotic drugs
Words related to Addiction
shot, bent, bag, fixation, obsession, dependence, monkey, thing, enslavement, hang-up, hook, craving, kick, inclination, jones
Words nearby Addiction
adder's-tongue, adderall, adderley, addict, addicted, addiction, addictive, addie, adding, adding machine, addington
Origin of Addiction
1595–1605; < Latin addictiōn- (stem of addictiō ) a giving over, surrender. See addict, -ion
Other words from Addiction
o·ver·ad·dic·tion , noun
Synonyms for Addiction
bag, bent, craving, dependence, enslavement, fixation, hang-up, hook, inclination, jones, kick, monkey, obsession, shot, thing, monkey on back, sweet tooth