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Showing words for ADDLE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Addle
4 Letter Words for Addle
3 Letter Words for Addle
Definitions for Addle
[1] to make or become confused.
[2] to make or become rotten, as eggs.
[3] mentally confused; muddled.
[4] rotten: addle eggs.
[5] to make or become confused or muddled
[6] to make or become rotten
[7] (in combination) indicating a confused or muddled state addle-brained ; addle-pated
[8] Northern English dialect to earn (money or one's living)
Words related to Addle
mystify, baffle, perplex, bewilder, discombobulate, befuddle, muddy, disconcert, muddle, confound, puzzle, fuddle
Words nearby Addle
additive group, additive identity, additive inverse, additive process, additory, addle, addlebrained, addlepated, addn., addnl., address
Origin of Addle
before 1000; Middle English adel rotten, Old English adela liquid, filth; cognate with Middle Low German adele liquid manure
Other words from Addle
un·ad·dled , adjective
Word origin for Addle
C13: addlen, from Old Norse öthlask to gain possession of property, from ōthal property
Synonyms for Addle
baffle, befuddle, bewilder, confound, discombobulate, disconcert, fuddle, muddle, muddy, mystify, perplex, puzzle, mix up