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Showing words for ADEQUATE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Adequate
7 Letter Words for Adequate
6 Letter Words for Adequate
5 Letter Words for Adequate
4 Letter Words for Adequate
3 Letter Words for Adequate
Definitions for Adequate
[1] as much or as good as necessary for some requirement or purpose; fully sufficient, suitable, or fit (often followed by to or for ): This car is adequate to our needs. adequate food for fifty people.
[2] barely sufficient or suitable: Being adequate is not good enough.
[3] Law . reasonably sufficient for starting legal action: adequate grounds.
[4] able to fulfil a need or requirement without being abundant, outstanding, etc
Words related to Adequate
satisfactory, fair, capable, decent, sufficient, tolerable, competent, suitable, acceptable, equal, comfortable, commensurate, passable, requisite, unexceptional, unobjectionable
Words nearby Adequate
adeodatus i, adeodatus ii, adephagia, adept, adequacy, adequate, adequate stimulus, adermia, adermogenesis, adessive, adf
Origin of Adequate
1610–20; < Latin adaequātus matched (past participle of adaequāre ). See ad-, equal, -ate1
Other words from Adequate
ad·e·quate·ly , adverb
ad·e·quate·ness , noun
pre·ad·e·quate , adjective
pre·ad·e·quate·ly , adverb
pre·ad·e·quate·ness , noun
qua·si-ad·e·quate , adjective
qua·si-ad·e·quate·ly , adverb
su·per·ad·e·quate , adjective
su·per·ad·e·quate·ly , adverb
su·per·ad·e·quate·ness , noun
Word origin for Adequate
C17: from Latin adaequāre to equalize, from ad- to + aequus equal
Synonyms for Adequate
acceptable, capable, competent, decent, fair, satisfactory, sufficient, suitable, tolerable, equal, all right, comfortable, commensurate, passable, requisite, sufficing, unexceptional, unobjectionable