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Showing words for ADJUDICATE using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Adjudicate
9 Letter Words for Adjudicate
8 Letter Words for Adjudicate
7 Letter Words for Adjudicate
6 Letter Words for Adjudicate
5 Letter Words for Adjudicate
4 Letter Words for Adjudicate
3 Letter Words for Adjudicate
Definitions for Adjudicate
[1] to pronounce or decree by judicial sentence.
[2] to settle or determine (an issue or dispute) judicially.
[3] to sit in judgment (usually followed by upon ).
[4] (when intr, usually foll by upon ) to give a decision (on), esp a formal or binding one
[5] (intr) to act as an adjudicator
[6] (tr) chess to determine the likely result of (a game) by counting relative value of pieces, positional strength, etc
[7] (intr) to serve as a judge or arbiter, as in a competition
Words related to Adjudicate
arbitrate, referee, decide, umpire, mediate, settle, determine, adjudge
Words nearby Adjudicate
adjoint differential equation, adjourn, adjournment, adjt., adjudge, adjudicate, adjudication, adjudicator, adjugate, adjunct, adjunct professor
Origin of Adjudicate
First recorded in 1690–1700, adjudicate is from the Latin word adjūdicātus (past participle of adjūdicāre ). See ad-, judge, -ate1
Other words from Adjudicate
ad·ju·di·ca·tive [uh -joo -di-key-tiv, ‐kuh -tiv] /əˈdʒu dɪˌkeɪ tɪv, ‐kə tɪv/ , ad·ju·di·ca·to·ry [uh -joo -di-kuh -tawr-ee, ‐tohr-ee] /əˈdʒu dɪ kəˌtɔr i, ‐ˌtoʊr i/ , adjective
ad·ju·di·ca·tor , noun
mis·ad·ju·di·cat·ed , adjective
non·ad·ju·di·cat·ed , adjective
non·ad·ju·di·ca·tive , adjective
non·ad·ju·di·ca·tive·ly , adverb
re·ad·ju·di·cate , verb, re·ad·ju·di·cat·ed, re·ad·ju·di·cat·ing.
un·ad·ju·di·cat·ed , adjective
Word origin for Adjudicate
C18: from Latin adjūdicāre to award something to someone, from ad- to + jūdicāre to act as a judge, from jūdex judge
Synonyms for Adjudicate
arbitrate, adjudge, decide, determine, mediate, referee, settle, umpire