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Showing words for ADOPTION using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Adoption


7 Letter Words for Adoption

donatio, pintado, poinado

6 Letter Words for Adoption

antido, dation, dopant, opaion, option, pandit, pantod, podtia, potion

5 Letter Words for Adoption

adion, adopt, daint, danio, dioon, diota, doina, donat, doona, idant, inapt, napoo, niota, ootid, paint, panto, patin, patio, piano, pidan, pinda, pinot, pinta, pinto, piton, poind, point, ponto, potin, taino, taipo, tondi, tondo, toona, topia, topoi

4 Letter Words for Adoption

adit, adon, aint, aion, anti, apio, apod, atip, atop, dain, dant, dato, dian, dino, dint, dipt, dita, doat, doit, dona, doni, dont, doon, dopa, inta, into, iodo, iota, naid, naio, naoi, nato, nipa, nito, nodi, noop, nota, odin, oint, onto, ooid, oont, opai, padi, paid, pain, pand, pant, paon, patd, pato, pian, pina, pind, pino, pint, pion, pita, pond, pont, pooa, pood, poon, poot, poti, tain, tiao, tind, toad, toda, toon, toop, topi, topo

3 Letter Words for Adoption

ado, adp, aid, ain, ait, and, ant, apt, atp, dan, dao, dap, dat, dia, din, dip, dit, dna, doa, don, doo, dop, dot, dpi, dpt, iao, ida, ido, idp, ind, int, ion, ipo, ita, itd, nad, nap, nat, nid, nip, nit, noa, nod, noo, not, oad, oat, oda, ona, oni, ono, ont, oon, oop, oot, opa, opt, oto, pad, pan, pat, pdn, pia, pid, pin, pit, poa, pod, poi, pon, poo, pot, pta, tad, tai, tan, tao, tap, tid, tin, tip, toa, tod, toi, ton, too, top, tpd, tpi

Definitions for Adoption

[1] the act of adopting: the adoption of a new amendment.
[2] the state of being adopted.

Words related to Adoption

enactment, acceptance, ratification, maintenance, endorsement, approval, selection, appropriation, confirmation, support, choice, embracement, following, approbation, assumption, espousal, embracing, fosterage, raising

Words nearby Adoption

adonis, adopt, adoptable, adopted, adoptee, adoption, adoption curve, adoption panel, adoptive, adoptive immunity, adoptive immunotherapy

Origin of Adoption

1300–50; Middle English adopcioun < Latin adoptiōn-, stem of adoptiō. See ad-, option

Other words from Adoption

a·dop·tion·al , adjective
non·a·dop·tion , noun
pre·a·dop·tion , noun
pro·a·dop·tion , adjective
re·a·dop·tion , noun
un·a·dop·tion·al , adjective

Synonyms for Adoption

acceptance, approval, enactment, endorsement, maintenance, ratification, approbation, appropriation, assumption, choice, confirmation, embracement, embracing, espousal, following, selection, support, taking on, taking over, taking up