8 Letter Words for Adultery
7 Letter Words for Adultery
adulter, lyrated
6 Letter Words for Adultery
alture, dartle, dearly, detray, elytra, lauder, lauter, lyrate, rayled, raylet, realty, rudely, tardle, tauryl, telary, tulare, udaler, uretal
5 Letter Words for Adultery
adlet, adret, adrue, adult, adure, alder, alert, aleut, alter, alure, arled, artel, artly, ately, atule, auryl, autre, aylet, daler, dalet, dater, dault, dealt, deary, delay, delta, derat, deray, detar, detur, drate, duler, dural, duret, duryl, dutra, early, lader, lardy, lated, later, laude, laure, laury, layed, layer, leady, leary, lured, lutea, luted, luter, lutra, lyard, lyart, lyted, radly, rated, ratel, rayed, rayle, readl, ready, redly, relay, retal, ruely, ruled, rutyl, taled, taler, tarde, tardy, tared, tauld, tayer, teary, telar, trade, trady, tread, trued, truly, tudel, tuyer, tyler, ultra, urate, ureal, urled, yauld, yeard, yurta
4 Letter Words for Adultery
adet, adry, ardu, ared, aret, arle, arte, arty, aryl, ated, atle, atry, aute, ayre, daer, dale, dalt, dare, dart, date, daur, daut, deal, dear, delt, dely, deul, drat, dray, drey, dual, duar, duel, duer, duet, dule, dult, duly, dura, duty, dyer, eard, earl, eral, erat, etua, euda, eyra, lade, lady, laer, laet, lard, lare, late, laud, laur, lead, lear, leat, leda, leud, lude, lura, lure, lute, lyra, lyre, lyte, rade, rale, rate, ratu, read, real, rely, retd, rude, rued, rule, ruly, ruta, ryal, tade, taed, tael, tald, tale, tare, taur, tead, teal, tear, tedy, tela, teld, tera, trad, tray, trey, true, trye, tula, tule, turd, tyde, tyed, tyer, udal, ulta, ural, urde, urdy, urea, yade, yald, yale, yalu, yard, yare, yarl, yate, yaud, yead, year, yeat, yeld, yelt, yerd, yeta, yule, yurt
3 Letter Words for Adultery
ade, ady, aer, ald, ale, alt, aly, ard, are, art, aru, ary, ate, aud, aul, aye, ayr, ayu, dae, dal, dar, dat, dau, day, dea, del, der, det, dey, dle, dlr, dry, due, dur, dye, ead, ear, eat, eau, ela, eld, elt, era, erd, ert, eta, ety, eyl, eyr, lad, lar, lat, lay, lea, led, ler, let, leu, ley, ltd, ltr, lud, lue, lur, lut, lye, rad, rat, ray, rea, red, rel, rld, rle, rly, rte, rud, rue, rut, rya, rye, tad, tal, tar, tau, tay, tdr, tea, ted, tel, ter, tlr, tra, try, tua, tue, tur, tuy, tye, tyr, uey, ula, ule, ult, ura, urd, ure, uta, ute, yad, yar, yat, yea, yed, yer, yet, yue
Definitions for Adultery
[1] voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse.
[2] voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man or woman and a partner other than the legal spouse
Words related to Adultery
infidelity, affair, cheating, relationship, fling, matinee, immorality, fornication, thing, hanky-panky, two-timing
Words nearby Adultery
adulteration, adulterer, adulteress, adulterine, adulterous, adultery, adultescent, adumbral, adumbrate, adumbrative, adunc
Origin of Adultery
1325–75; Middle English adulterie < Latin adulterium, equivalent to adulter (see adulterer) + -ium -ium; replacing Middle English a(d)vouterie < Old French avoutrie < Latin, with ad- ad- replacing a a-5
Word origin for Adultery
C15: adulterie, altered (as if directly from Latin adulterium ) from C14 avoutrie, via Old French from Latin adulterium, from adulter, back formation from adulterāre. See adulterate
Synonyms for Adultery
infidelity, affair, cheating, fling, fornication, immorality, matinee, relationship, thing, carrying on, extracurricular activity, hanky-panky, playing around, two-timing