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Showing words for ADVISED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Advised
6 Letter Words for Advised
5 Letter Words for Advised
4 Letter Words for Advised
3 Letter Words for Advised
Definitions for Advised
[1] considered (usually used in combination): ill-advised; well-advised.
[2] informed; apprised: The president was kept thoroughly advised.
[3] to give counsel to; offer an opinion or suggestion as worth following: I advise you to be cautious.
[4] to recommend as desirable, wise, prudent, etc.: He advised secrecy for the sake of national security.
[5] to give (a person, group, etc.) information or notice (often followed by of ): The investors were advised of the risk. They advised him that this was their final notice.
[6] to take counsel; consult (usually followed by with ): I shall advise with my friends.
[7] to offer counsel; give advice or recommend particular actions, conduct, etc.: I shall act as you advise.
[8] resulting from deliberation See also ill-advised, well-advised
[9] to offer advice (to a person or persons); counsel he advised the king ; to advise caution ; he advised her to leave
[10] (tr sometimes foll by of ) formal to inform or notify
[11] (intr foll by with ) mainly US or obsolete to consult or discuss
Words related to Advised
considered, well-considered
Words nearby Advised
advice boat, advice note, advil, advisable, advise, advised, advisedly, advisee, advisement, adviser, advisory
Origin of Advised
1275–1325; late Middle English; replacing Middle English avisen < Anglo-French, Old French aviser, verbal derivative of avis opinion (< a vis; see advice)
Words that may be confused with Advised
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, adviseadvice, advise, (see, synonym, study, at, advice)
Other words from Advised
ad·vis·ed·ness [ad-vahy -zid-nis] /ædˈvaɪ zɪd nɪs/ , noun
pre·ad·vise , verb (used with object), pre·ad·vised, pre·ad·vis·ing.
re·ad·vise , verb, re·ad·vised, re·ad·vis·ing.
Word origin for Advised
C14: via Old French from Vulgar Latin advīsāre (unattested) to consider, from Latin ad- to + visāre (unattested), from vīsere to view, from vidēre to see
Synonyms for Advised
considered, well-considered