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Showing words for AFFAIR using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Affair
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Definitions for Affair
[1] anything done or to be done; anything requiring action or effort; business; concern: an affair of great importance.
[2] affairs, matters of commercial or public interest or concern; the transactions of public or private business or finance: affairs of state; Before taking such a long trip you should put all your affairs in order.
[3] an event or a performance; a particular action, operation, or proceeding: When did this affair happen?
[4] thing; matter (applied to anything made or existing, usually with a descriptive or qualifying term): Our new computer is an amazing affair.
[5] a private or personal concern; a special function, business, or duty: That's none of your affair.
[6] an intense amorous relationship, usually of short duration.
[7] an event or happening that occasions or arouses notoriety, dispute, and often public scandal; incident: the Congressional bribery affair.
[8] a party, social gathering, or other organized festive occasion: The awards ceremony is the biggest affair on the school calendar.
[9] a thing to be done or attended to; matter; business this affair must be cleared up
[10] an event or happening a strange affair
[11] (qualified by an adjective or descriptive phrase) something previously specified, esp a man-made object; thing our house is a tumbledown affair
[12] a sexual relationship between two people who are not married to each other
Words related to Affair
case, project, transaction, proceeding, question, topic, thing, incident, task, interest, employment, event, subject, liaison, relationship, province, duty, episode, happening, circumstance
Words nearby Affair
afebrile, afetal, aff, aff., affable, affair, affaire, affaire d'amour, affaire d'honneur, affaire de coeur, affairs
Origin of Affair
1250–1300; earlier affaire < French, Old French afaire for a faire to do, equivalent to a (< Latin ad to) + faire ≪ Latin facere; replacing Middle English afere < Old French
Word origin for Affair
C13: from Old French, from à faire to do
Synonyms for Affair
case, employment, event, incident, interest, proceeding, project, question, subject, task, thing, topic, transaction, assignment, avocation, calling, circumstance, concern, duty, episode, hap, happening, job, mission, obligation, occupation, occurrence, profession, province, pursuit, realm, responsibility, undertaking, office function