11 Letter Words for Affectingly
9 Letter Words for Affectingly
affecting, calefying
8 Letter Words for Affectingly
affinely, caffling, cleating, clefting, eclating, effacing, faceting, facingly
7 Letter Words for Affectingly
acetify, afflict, affying, aleying, algetic, aliency, angelic, anglice, anglify, anticly, atingle, cantily, catline, catling, claying, cyanite, egality, elating, facient, faintly, fancify, fancily, fanglet, fatling, fealing, feating, felting, finagle, flaying, fleying, flyting, galenic, gelatin, genital, giantly, glacify, glycine, gynecia, inflate, inflect, lactify, langite, latency, leafing, neatify, neftgil, tagline, tangile, telinga, tiffany, yaffing, yealing, yetling
6 Letter Words for Affectingly
acetin, acetyl, actify, actine, acting, affect, affile, affine, affing, agency, aglint, agynic, aiglet, alcine, algine, altify, ancile, anetic, atelic, caffle, cagily, calefy, caline, cangle, cantel, cantil, cantle, cating, catlin, ceftin, centai, cental, cigale, cingle, clayen, client, cliffy, clifty, clingy, clinty, clying, cygnet, eating, effigy, effing, elfing, enatic, engilt, entail, entify, facile, facily, facing, fagine, fainly, fainty, fanfic, fangle, fating, faying, fealty, featly, fecial, fetial, feting, feying, fiance, figent, filace, filate, finale, finely, finlet, flaite, flange, fleing, flingy, flinty, flying, fyling, gaelic, gaffle, gaiety, gainly, ganyie, gelant, gelati, genial, gentil, gently, gilten, glance, gliffy, glinty, glycan, glycin, incage, inface, infect, infeft, infelt, ingate, inlace, lacing, laetic, lancet, laying, leafit, lectin, legacy, legati, lenify, lenity, lentic, ligate, linage, linget, litany, lyance, lycian, lycine, lynage, lyting, naffly, naifly, naitly, neatly, nicely, nicety, taeing, taffle, taigle, tailge, tailye, tancel, tangie, tangle, tangly, teaing, tecali, telang, tenacy, tenail, tiffle, tinage, tincal, tineal, tingle, tingly, tyeing, yaffil, yaffle, yetlin
5 Letter Words for Affectingly
acing, actin, afley, agent, agile, aglet, agley, agnel, aleft, alfet, alfin, algic, algin, alice, alien, aliet, alife, align, alite, ality, altin, ancle, angel, angle, anile, anlet, antic, ately, ating, aylet, cagey, cagit, calef, calin, canel, cangy, canli, canty, catel, ceint, centi, cetin, cetyl, cinel, cital, clang, claye, clean, cleat, cleft, cliff, clift, cline, cling, clint, clite, eclat, ectal, elaic, elain, elfic, elfin, elint, enact, encia, eniac, enlay, enlit, ental, entia, etang, facet, facie, facit, facty, fagin, faine, faint, fancy, fangy, fanit, fatil, fatly, fayne, featy, fecal, fecit, feign, feint, felty, fetal, fiant, fient, fifty, filea, filet, final, finca, fitly, flain, flane, flang, fleay, flect, fling, flint, flite, flyte, gaffe, gaily, gaine, galen, galet, galey, ganef, genal, genic, genit, genty, geyan, giant, gilet, gilty, glace, glean, gleit, glent, gliff, glift, glint, gynic, gynie, ictal, ileac, inact, incle, ingle, inlay, inlet, intel, italy, lacet, lacey, laeti, lagen, laine, laity, lance, laney, langi, laten, latin, layne, leafy, leany, lefty, legin, legit, lenti, liane, liang, licet, lifen, lifey, ligan, ligne, linac, linea, liney, linga, linge, lingy, linty, lycae, lycea, lying, lytic, nagel, naily, necia, neffy, niffy, nifle, nifty, nyaff, taffy, tagel, taily, talcy, tangi, tangy, telia, telic, telyn, tenai, tenga, tenia, tenla, tiang, tical, tiffy, tinca, tinea, tinge, tying, yenta, yince
4 Letter Words for Affectingly
acle, acne, actg, acyl, afft, affy, agcy, agen, aget, agin, agit, agly, agni, aiel, aile, aine, aint, alce, alec, alef, alen, alif, alin, ance, anet, anil, ante, anti, atef, atle, atli, ayen, ayin, ayne, cafe, caff, cage, cain, calf, cane, cang, cant, cany, cate, ceil, celt, cent, ceti, ciel, cine, cite, city, clag, clan, clat, clay, clef, cleg, clin, clit, ctge, cyan, cyte, egal, eila, elan, encl, ency, engl, etic, etna, face, fact, facy, fage, fail, fain, fait, fane, fang, fant, fate, feal, feat, feif, feil, felt, feni, fent, feta, fiat, fica, fice, fict, fief, fiel, fife, fila, file, filt, fine, flag, flan, flat, flay, flea, fleg, flet, fley, flic, flit, fyce, fyle, gael, gaen, gaet, gaff, gail, gain, gait, gale, gali, galt, gane, gant, gate, geal, gean, geat, geic, gein, geit, gena, genl, gent, geta, gien, gift, gila, gile, gilt, gite, glei, glen, gley, glia, glit, glyc, glyn, gnat, gyal, gyle, gyne, gyte, iffy, ilea, inca, incl, infl, inga, inly, inta, intl, ital, itel, lace, lacy, laen, laet, laff, laft, laic, lain, lait, lane, lang, lant, late, lati, leaf, lean, leat, lect, left, lena, leng, lent, lice, lief, lien, life, lift, lige, lina, line, ling, lint, liny, lite, lyne, lyte, nace, nael, naff, nagi, naif, naig, nail, nale, natl, neaf, neal, neat, neif, neti, ngai, nice, nief, nife, niff, nile, nyet, tace, tael, taen, taig, tail, tain, talc, tale, tali, tane, tang, teal, tean, teca, teff, tega, teil, tela, teli, teng, tice, tien, tiff, tige, tile, tinc, tine, ting, tiny, tyin, tyne, yaff, yagi, yale, yali, yang, yate, yati, ycie, yean, yeat, yelt, yeni, yeta, yeti, yilt, yite
3 Letter Words for Affectingly
ace, act, acy, aff, aft, age, agt, agy, ail, ain, ait, alc, ale, alf, alg, aln, alt, aly, anc, ane, ant, any, ate, aye, caf, cag, cai, cal, can, cat, cay, cel, cen, cfi, cia, cie, cif, cig, cit, cli, cly, cte, ctf, ctg, ctn, cyl, ean, eat, ecg, ect, eff, efl, eft, ela, elf, eli, elt, enc, eng, enl, eta, etc, ety, eyl, eyn, fac, fag, fan, fat, fay, fcy, fec, fei, fen, fet, fey, ffa, fgn, fie, fig, fil, fin, fit, flt, fly, gal, gan, gat, gay, gel, gen, get, gey, gie, gif, gin, git, glt, gtc, gte, gye, gyn, ice, icy, ifc, ife, iff, ign, ile, inc, inf, ing, int, ita, lac, lag, lai, lan, lat, lay, lca, lea, leg, lei, let, ley, lie, lif, lig, lin, lit, lyc, lye, lyn, nae, naf, nag, nat, nay, nea, nef, neg, nei, net, nie, nig, nil, nit, nye, tag, tai, tal, tan, tay, tea, tec, tef, teg, tel, ten, tgn, tic, tie, tig, til, tin, tlc, tln, tng, tye, tyg, yag, yan, yat, yea, yen, yet, yin
Definitions for Affectingly
[1] moving or exciting the feelings or emotions.
[2] to act on; produce an effect or change in: Cold weather affected the crops.
[3] to impress the mind or move the feelings of: The music affected him deeply.
[4] (of pain, disease, etc.) to attack or lay hold of.
[5] Psychology . feeling or emotion.
[6] Psychiatry . an expressed or observed emotional response: Restricted, flat, or blunted affect may be a symptom of mental illness, especially schizophrenia.
[7] Obsolete . affection; passion; sensation; inclination; inward disposition or feeling.
[8] to give the appearance of; pretend or feign: to affect knowledge of the situation.
[9] to assume artificially, pretentiously, or for effect: to affect a Southern accent.
[10] to use, wear, or adopt by preference; choose; prefer: the peculiar costume he affected.
[11] to assume the character or attitude of: to affect the freethinker.
[12] (of things) to tend toward habitually or naturally: a substance that affects colloidal form.
[13] (of animals and plants) to occupy or inhabit; live in or on: Lions affect Africa. Moss affects the northern slopes.
[14] Archaic . to have affection for; fancy. to aim at; aspire to.
[15] Obsolete . to incline, tend, or favor (usually followed by to ): He affects to the old ways.
[16] evoking feelings of pity, sympathy, or pathos; moving
[17] to act upon or influence, esp in an adverse way damp affected the sparking plugs
[18] to move or disturb emotionally or mentally her death affected him greatly
[19] (of pain, disease, etc) to attack
[20] psychol the emotion associated with an idea or set of ideas See also affection
[21] to put on an appearance or show of; make a pretence of to affect ignorance
[22] to imitate or assume, esp pretentiously to affect an accent
[23] to have or use by preference she always affects funereal clothing
[24] to adopt the character, manner, etc, of he was always affecting the politician
[25] (of plants or animals) to live or grow in penguins affect an arctic climate
[26] to incline naturally or habitually towards falling drops of liquid affect roundness
Words related to Affectingly
affectingpoignant, touching, stirring
Words nearby Affectingly
affectingaffaire de coeur, affairs, affect, affectation, affected, affecting, affection, affectional, affectional orientation, affectionate, affective
Origin of Affectingly
21400–50; late Middle English < Middle French affecter < Latin affectāre to strive after, feign (frequentative of afficere to do to), equivalent to af- af- + fec- (see affect1) + -tāre frequentative suffix
Other words from Affectingly
af·fect·ing·ly , adverb
non·af·fect·ing , adjective
non·af·fect·ing·ly , adverb
un·af·fect·ing , adjective
af·fect·a·ble , adjective
af·fect·a·bil·i·ty , noun
af·fect·er , noun
Word origin for Affectingly
C15: from Latin affectāre to strive after, pretend to have; related to afficere to affect 1
Synonyms for Affectingly
acutely, genuinely, intensely, passionately, profoundly, sadly, seriously, severely, surely, thoroughly, distressingly, feelingly, gravely, mournfully, movingly, to the quick