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Showing words for AFFILIATED using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Affiliated
9 Letter Words for Affiliated
8 Letter Words for Affiliated
7 Letter Words for Affiliated
6 Letter Words for Affiliated
5 Letter Words for Affiliated
4 Letter Words for Affiliated
3 Letter Words for Affiliated
Definitions for Affiliated
[1] being in close formal or informal association; related: a letter sent to all affiliated clubs; a radio network and its affiliated local stations.
[2] to bring into close association or connection: The research center is affiliated with the university.
[3] to attach or unite on terms of fellowship; associate (usually followed by with in U.S. usage, by to in Brit. usage): to affiliate with the church.
[4] to trace the descent, derivation, or origin of: to affiliate a language.
[5] to adopt.
[6] Law . to fix the paternity of, as an illegitimate child: The mother affiliated her child upon John Doe.
[7] to associate oneself; be intimately united in action or interest.
[8] a branch organization.
[9] Commerce . a business concern owned or controlled in whole or in part by another concern. a subsidiary.
[10] a person who is affiliated; associate; auxiliary.
[11] (tr; foll by to or with) to receive into close connection or association (with a larger body, group, organization, etc); adopt as a member, branch, etc
[12] (foll by with) to associate (oneself) or be associated, esp as a subordinate or subsidiary; bring or come into close connection he affiliated himself with the Union
[13] a person or organization that is affiliated with another (as modifier ) an affiliate member
Words related to Affiliated
connected, united, joined, related
Words nearby Affiliated
affiant, affiche, afficionado, affidavit, affiliate, affiliated, affiliation, affiliation order, affiliation proceedings, affiliative drive, affinal
Origin of Affiliated
1755–65; < Latin affīliātus adopted as son (past participle of affīliāre ), equivalent to af- af- + fīli(us ) son + -ātus -ate1
Other words from Affiliated
non·af·fil·i·at·ed , adjective
un·af·fil·i·at·ed , adjective
af·fil·i·a·ble [uh -fil -ee-uh -buh l] /əˈfɪl i ə bəl/ , adjective
af·fil·i·a·tive [uh -fil -ee-ey-tiv, -fil -ee-uh -] /əˈfɪl iˌeɪ tɪv, -ˈfɪl i ə-/ , adjective
non·af·fil·i·ate , noun
non·af·fil·i·at·ing , adjective
pre·af·fil·i·ate , noun
pre·af·fil·i·ate , verb, pre·af·fil·i·at·ed, pre·af·fil·i·at·ing.
re·af·fil·i·ate , verb, re·af·fil·i·at·ed, re·af·fil·i·at·ing.
Word origin for Affiliated
C18: from Medieval Latin affīliātus adopted as a son, from affīlīare, from Latin filius son