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Showing words for AFFLICT using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Afflict
5 Letter Words for Afflict
4 Letter Words for Afflict
3 Letter Words for Afflict
Definitions for Afflict
[1] to distress with mental or bodily pain; trouble greatly or grievously: to be afflicted with arthritis.
[2] Obsolete . to overthrow; defeat. to humble.
[3] (tr) to cause suffering or unhappiness to; distress greatly
Words related to Afflict
annoy, torture, bother, wound, oppress, beset, torment, burden, plague, rack, crucify, smite, pester, pain, distress, agonize, lacerate, grieve, vex, try
Words nearby Afflict
affix, affixation, affixture, afflated, afflatus, afflict, afflicting, affliction, afflictive, affluence, affluency
Origin of Afflict
1350–1400; Middle English afflicten < Latin afflīctus distressed, past participle of afflīgere to cast down (af- af- + flīg- knock + -tus past participle suffix); replacing Middle English aflight < Middle French aflit < L. See inflict
Words that may be confused with Afflict
Other words from Afflict
af·flict·ed·ness , noun
af·flict·er , noun
o·ver·af·flict , verb (used with object)
pre·af·flict , verb (used with object)
self-af·flict·ing , adjective
un·af·flict·ed , adjective
un·af·flict·ed·ly , adverb
un·af·flict·ed·ness , noun
un·af·flict·ing , adjective
Word origin for Afflict
C14: from Latin afflictus, past participle of afflīgere to knock against, from flīgere to knock, to strike
Synonyms for Afflict
annoy, beset, bother, burden, oppress, plague, rack, torment, torture, wound, agonize, crucify, distress, grieve, harass, harrow, harry, irk, lacerate, martyr, pain, pester, press, smite, strike, trouble, try, vex, worry