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Showing words for AFFLUENT using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Affluent
7 Letter Words for Affluent
6 Letter Words for Affluent
5 Letter Words for Affluent
4 Letter Words for Affluent
3 Letter Words for Affluent
Definitions for Affluent
[1] having an abundance of wealth, property, or other material goods; prosperous; rich: an affluent person.
[2] abounding in anything; abundant.
[3] flowing freely: an affluent fountain.
[4] a tributary stream.
[5] an affluent person: a luxurious resort appealing to young affluents.
[6] rich; wealthy
[7] abundant; copious
[8] flowing freely
[9] archaic a tributary stream
Words related to Affluent
moneyed, well-to-do, prosperous, well-off, rich, upscale, flush, full, loaded, opulent, abundant, bountiful, copious, plenteous
Words nearby Affluent
afflicting, affliction, afflictive, affluence, affluency, affluent, affluent society, affluential, affluenza, afflux, affogato
Origin of Affluent
1400–50; late Middle English < Middle French < Latin affluent- (stem of affluēns rich; orig. present participle of affluere ), equivalent to af- af- + flu- flow + -ent -ent
Other words from Affluent
af·flu·ent·ly , adverb
non·af·flu·ent , adjective
sub·af·flu·ent , adjective
sub·af·flu·ent·ly , adverb
su·per·af·flu·ent , adjective
su·per·af·flu·ent·ly , adverb
un·af·flu·ent , adjective
Word origin for Affluent
C15: from Latin affluent-, present participle of affluere to flow towards, from fluere to flow
Synonyms for Affluent
moneyed, prosperous, rich, upscale, well-off, well-to-do, flush, loaded, opulent, stinking rich, upper class