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Showing words for AFFRONT using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Affront


6 Letter Words for Affront


5 Letter Words for Affront

fator, front, orant, rotan, toran, trona

4 Letter Words for Affront

afft, afro, arno, fano, fant, faon, faro, fart, font, fort, frat, frot, naff, nato, natr, nota, oran, orna, raff, raft, rant, rato, roan, ront, rota, tarn, taro, toff, torn, trna, tron

3 Letter Words for Affront

aff, aft, ant, aor, arf, arn, art, fan, fao, far, fat, ffa, fon, for, fot, fra, fro, frt, naf, nar, nat, noa, nor, not, oaf, oar, oat, off, oft, ona, ont, ora, orf, ort, raf, ran, rat, rna, ron, rot, tan, tao, tar, tfr, toa, ton, tor, tra, trf

Definitions for Affront

[1] a personally offensive act or word; deliberate act or display of disrespect; intentional slight; insult: an affront to the king.
[2] an offense to one's dignity or self-respect.
[3] to offend by an open manifestation of disrespect or insolence: His speech affronted all of us.
[4] to make ashamed or confused; embarrass.
[5] Archaic . to front; face; look on.
[6] Obsolete . to meet or encounter face to face; confront.
[7] a deliberate insult
[8] to insult, esp openly
[9] to offend the pride or dignity of
[10] obsolete to confront defiantly

Words related to Affront

indignity, provocation, slight, slur, slap, wrong, abuse, outrage, offense, injury, vexation, put-down, brickbat, annoy, criticize, pique, taunt, displease, slander, vex

Words nearby Affront

affreightment, affricate, affrication, affricative, affright, affront, affrontive, afft., affusion, afg, afg.

Origin of Affront

1300–50; Middle English afrounten < Middle French af(f )ronter to strike in the face < Vulgar Latin *affrontāre, derivative of Latin phrase ad frontem at or toward the forehead (as the seat of one's feelings or dignity). See ad-, front

Other words from Affront

af·front·ed·ly , adverb
af·front·ed·ness , noun
af·front·er , noun
af·front·ing·ly , adverb
re·af·front , noun, verb (used with object)
un·af·front·ed , adjective

Word origin for Affront

C14: from Old French afronter to strike in the face, from Vulgar Latin affrontāre (unattested), from the Latin phrase ad frontem to the face

Synonyms for Affront

indignity, provocation, slight, abuse, brickbat, injury, offense, outrage, put-down, slap, slur, vexation, wrong, backhanded compliment, dirty deed, left-handed compliment, slap in the face