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Showing words for AGOG using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Agog
3 Letter Words for Agog
ago, gag, goa, gog
Definitions for Agog
[1] highly excited by eagerness, curiosity, anticipation, etc.
[2] in a state of eager desire; excitedly.
[3] variant of -agogue.
[4] (postpositive) highly impatient, eager, or curious
Words related to Agog
anxious, avid, breathless, eager, enthusiastic, excited, expectant, impatient
Words nearby Agog
agnosia, agnostic, agnosticism, agnus dei, ago, agog, agogic, agogics, agomphosis, agon, agonadal
Origin of Agog
1535–45; variant of on gog (in phrase set on gog rouse, stir up) < Middle French en gogues; see à gogo
Word origin for Agog
C15: perhaps from Old French en gogues in merriments, origin unknown
Synonyms for Agog
anxious, avid, breathless, eager, enthusiastic, excited, expectant, impatient, in suspense, on tenterhooks