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Showing words for AKIN using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Akin
3 Letter Words for Akin
Definitions for Akin
[1] of kin; related by blood (usually used predicatively): cousins who were too closely akin for marriage.
[2] allied by nature; having the same properties: Something akin to vertigo was troubling her.
[3] having or showing an affinity; kindred: They are emotionally but not intellectually akin.
[4] related by blood; of the same kin
[5] (often foll by to) having similar characteristics, properties, etc
Words related to Akin
comparable, similar, analogous, affiliated, agnate, alike, allied, consonant, corresponding, incident, kindred, like, parallel, connate
Words nearby Akin
akiba ben joseph, akihito, akil, akimbo, akimiski island, akin, akinesia, akinesthesia, akinete, akinetic mutism, akins
Origin of Akin
First recorded in 1580–90; see origin at a-2, kin
Synonyms for Akin
analogous, comparable, similar, affiliated, agnate, alike, allied, cognated, connate, consonant, corresponding, incident, kindred, like, parallel