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Showing words for ALIVE using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Alive

alive, avile

4 Letter Words for Alive

aiel, aile, avie, eila, eval, evil, ilea, lave, leva, levi, live, vail, vale, vali, veal, veil, vela, vial, vila, vile, vlei

3 Letter Words for Alive

ail, ale, ave, ela, eli, ile, iva, ive, lai, lav, lea, lei, lev, lie, vae, val, vei, vel, via, vie, vil

Definitions for Alive

[1] having life; living; existing; not dead or lifeless.
[2] living (used for emphasis): the proudest man alive.
[3] in a state of action; in force or operation; active: to keep hope alive.
[4] full of energy and spirit; lively: Grandmother's more alive than most of her contemporaries.
[5] having the quality of life; vivid; vibrant: The room was alive with color.
[6] Electricity . live2(def 17) .
[7] alive to , alert or sensitive to; aware of: City planners are alive to the necessity of revitalizing deteriorating neighborhoods.
[8] alive with , filled with living things; swarming; teeming: The room was alive with mosquitoes.
[9] look alive! pay attention! move quickly!: Look alive! We haven't got all day.
[10] (of people, animals, plants, etc) living; having life
[11] in existence; active they kept hope alive ; the tradition was still alive
[12] (immediately postpositive and usually used with a superlative) of those living; now living the happiest woman alive
[13] full of life; lively she was wonderfully alive for her age
[14] (usually foll by with) animated a face alive with emotion
[15] (foll by to) aware (of); sensitive (to)
[16] (foll by with) teeming (with) the mattress was alive with fleas
[17] electronics another word for live 2 (def. 11)
[18] alive and kicking (of a person) active and in good health
[19] look alive! hurry up! get busy!

Words related to Alive

awake, viable, conscious, ready, eager, rife, live, animated, animate, around, breathing, cognizant, dynamic, existing, extant, growing, knowing, living, mortal, operative

Words nearby Alive

alist, alit, aliterate, aliturgical, aliunde, alive, alive and kicking, alive to, alive with, aliyah, alizarin

Origin of Alive

before 1000; Middle English; Old English on līfe in life; see a-1

Other words from Alive

a·live·ness , noun
half-a·live , adjective

Word origin for Alive

Old English on līfe in life

Synonyms for Alive

awake, conscious, viable, live, animate, around, breathing, cognizant, dynamic, existing, extant, functioning, growing, knowing, living, mortal, operative, running, subsisting, vital, working, zoetic