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Showing words for ALLAYED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Allayed
6 Letter Words for Allayed
5 Letter Words for Allayed
4 Letter Words for Allayed
3 Letter Words for Allayed
Definitions for Allayed
[1] to put (fear, doubt, suspicion, anger, etc.) to rest; calm; quiet.
[2] to lessen or relieve; mitigate; alleviate: to allay pain.
[3] to relieve (pain, grief, etc) or be relieved
[4] (tr) to reduce (fear, anger, etc)
Words related to Allayed
allaymitigate, assuage, lessen, calm, alleviate, pacify, mollify, ease, compose, lighten, quiet, square, decrease, abate, moderate
Words nearby Allayed
allayallantoin, allantoinuria, allantois, allargando, allative, allay, allecret, allegation, allege, alleged, allegedly
Origin of Allayed
before 1000; Middle English aleyen, Old English ālecgan to put down, allay (ā- a-3 + lecgan to lay1); spelling -ll- shows influence of the now obsolete allege (< Anglo-French, Old French aleg(i)er; see allege) to alleviate, allay
Words that may be confused with Allayed
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, allayallay, alley, alloy, ally
Other words from Allayed
al·lay·er , noun
un·al·layed , adjective
Word origin for Allayed
Old English ālecgan to put down, from lecgan to lay 1
Synonyms for Allayed
alleviate, assuage, calm, ease, lessen, mitigate, mollify, pacify, abate, compose, decrease, lighten, moderate, quiet, square, cool out, make nice, play up to, pour oil on, take the bite out, take the sting out