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Showing words for ALLEGATION using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Allegation


9 Letter Words for Allegation


8 Letter Words for Allegation

agential, alginate, allagite, allanite, alligate, angelito, antalgol, galatine, galilean, galtonia, gelation, geotilla, lagonite, legation, linolate, longtail, neolalia, notalgia, taeniola, talliage, tenalgia

7 Letter Words for Allegation

aeolian, aeolina, aeonial, agalite, agatine, ailanto, alalite, alantol, alation, alinota, alliage, alliant, allonga, allonge, alnoite, alogian, angelot, angliae, antilog, antliae, atangle, atellan, atingle, elating, elation, galante, galileo, gallant, gallate, gallein, galleon, galleta, gallian, gallina, galline, galliot, gelatia, gelatin, gellant, genital, gillnet, goniale, lainage, langate, langiel, langite, laniate, lanital, laotian, lentigo, liangle, linaloa, linaloe, lingala, logania, logline, naegait, nigella, nitella, noilage, notaeal, notalia, otalgia, taenial, tagline, tailage, taliage, tallage, tangelo, tangile, telinga, telling, tigella, tillage, tineola, toenail, tollage, tolling

6 Letter Words for Allegation

aegina, aeolia, aglint, agnail, agnate, agonal, agonia, aiglet, alaite, alaloi, alange, algate, algine, alnage, alogia, analog, angilo, angola, anilao, anilla, anlage, anotia, anteal, antiae, antlia, atinga, atonal, atonia, eating, elling, eloign, engaol, engilt, entail, entoil, eolian, etalon, galant, galena, galiot, gallet, gallia, gallon, gelant, gelati, gelato, genial, gentil, gillet, gillot, gilten, gitana, gitano, gloeal, goalie, goetia, gollan, gonial, ignote, ingate, ionate, laelia, lagena, lalang, lanate, langel, langle, laogai, latian, latigo, latina, latino, lation, latona, legati, legato, legion, leglan, leglin, lentil, lienal, ligate, linaga, linage, lineal, lingel, linget, lingle, lingot, lintel, lintol, lionel, lionet, loange, loeing, logeia, loglet, nageia, natale, niello, oglala, oillet, oleana, oneill, taeing, taglia, taigle, tailge, taille, talion, tanega, tangie, tangle, taonga, teaing, teanal, telang, telial, tellin, tenail, tiglon, tinage, tineal, tingle, toeing, tolane, toling

5 Letter Words for Allegation

again, agate, agent, agila, agile, agita, aglet, agnat, agnel, agone, aillt, alane, alang, alani, alant, alate, algae, algal, algin, algol, alien, aliet, align, alite, allan, allen, allot, aloin, alone, along, altin, angel, angia, angle, anglo, anile, anlet, anlia, anoia, anoil, anole, anoli, antae, antal, atelo, ating, atole, atoll, atone, egall, elain, elint, ellan, eloin, elong, enlil, enlit, enoil, ental, entia, etang, gaine, galan, galea, galen, galet, galla, ganta, genal, genio, genit, genoa, giant, gilet, glali, glean, gleit, glent, glial, glint, gloat, gloea, golet, gonal, gonia, ileal, ileon, ingle, ingot, inlet, intel, laang, laeti, lagan, lagen, lagna, laine, lanai, langi, laten, latin, laton, legal, legin, legit, legoa, lenti, lento, liana, liane, liang, ligan, ligne, linea, linga, linge, lingo, llano, loeil, logan, logia, logie, login, longa, longe, lotan, nagel, nalla, natal, ngaio, niata, nilot, niota, nogal, nolle, notal, oaten, olein, olena, olent, ontal, tagel, taiga, taino, talao, talea, talio, talli, talon, tanga, tangi, tango, tania, tanoa, telia, teloi, tenai, tenga, tenia, tenio, tenla, tiang, tigon, tinea, tinge, toile, tolan, tonal, tonga

4 Letter Words for Allegation

agal, agen, aget, agin, agio, agit, agla, agni, agon, aiel, aile, aina, aine, aint, aion, alae, alai, alan, alen, alga, alia, alin, allo, aloe, alto, anal, anat, anet, anga, ango, anil, anoa, anta, ante, anti, aoli, aona, atle, atli, egal, egol, eila, elan, elli, engl, enol, ento, eoan, etna, eton, gaea, gael, gaen, gaet, gaia, gail, gain, gait, gala, gale, gali, gall, galt, gane, gant, gata, gate, geal, gean, geat, gein, geit, gell, gena, genl, gent, geol, geta, gien, gila, gile, gill, gilo, gilt, gite, glei, glen, glia, glit, gnat, goal, goat, goel, goen, gola, gole, goli, goll, gone, gote, iaea, iago, ilea, ilot, inga, ingo, inta, intl, into, iota, ital, itel, itll, laen, laet, lain, lait, lalo, lana, lane, lang, lant, lata, late, lati, leal, lean, leat, lena, leng, leno, lent, leon, leto, lien, lige, lila, lile, lilo, lilt, lina, line, ling, lino, lint, lion, lite, loan, loge, loin, loli, lone, long, lota, lote, loti, nael, naga, nagi, naig, nail, naio, nala, nale, naoi, natl, nato, neal, neat, neti, ngai, nile, nill, niog, nito, noel, noil, nole, noll, nolt, nota, note, ogle, oint, olea, olla, taal, tael, taen, taig, tail, tain, tala, tale, tali, tall, tana, tane, tang, teal, tean, tega, teil, tela, teli, tell, teng, tiao, tien, tige, tile, till, tine, ting, toea, toga, toge, toil, tola, tole, toll, tone, tong

3 Letter Words for Allegation

aal, aga, age, ago, agt, aia, ail, ain, ait, ala, ale, alg, all, aln, alo, alt, ana, ane, ant, ate, ean, eat, ego, ela, eli, ell, elt, eng, enl, eon, eta, gal, gan, gat, gel, gen, geo, get, gie, gin, gio, git, glt, goa, goi, gol, gon, got, gte, iaa, iao, ign, ile, ill, ilo, ing, int, ion, ita, laa, lag, lai, lan, lao, lat, lea, leg, lei, leo, let, lie, lig, lin, lit, loa, loe, log, lot, naa, nae, nag, nat, nea, neg, nei, neo, net, nie, nig, nil, nit, noa, nog, nol, not, oat, oie, oil, ola, ole, ona, one, oni, ont, taa, tag, tai, tal, tan, tao, tea, teg, tel, ten, tgn, tie, tig, til, tin, tln, tlo, tng, toa, toe, tog, toi, tol, ton

Definitions for Allegation

[1] the act of alleging; affirmation.
[2] an assertion made with little or no proof.
[3] an assertion made by a party in a legal proceeding, which the party then undertakes to prove.
[4] a statement offered as a plea, excuse, or justification.
[5] the act of alleging
[6] an unproved statement or assertion, esp one in an accusation

Words related to Allegation

accusation, claim, charge, plea, statement, deposition, affirmation, profession, avowal, declaration

Words nearby Allegation

allantois, allargando, allative, allay, allecret, allegation, allege, alleged, allegedly, allegheny, allegheny barberry

Origin of Allegation

1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin allēgātiōn- (stem of allēgātiō ), equivalent to allēgāt(us ), past participle of allēgāre to adduce in support of a plea (al- al- + -lēgāre, derivative of lēx law; see legal) + -iōn- -ion

Other words from Allegation

mis·al·le·ga·tion , noun
non·al·le·ga·tion , noun
pre·al·le·ga·tion , noun
re·al·le·ga·tion , noun

Synonyms for Allegation

accusation, charge, claim, plea, statement, affirmation, avowal, declaration, deposition, profession, asservation, overment