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Showing words for ALLURER using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Allurer
6 Letter Words for Allurer
5 Letter Words for Allurer
4 Letter Words for Allurer
3 Letter Words for Allurer
Definitions for Allurer
[1] to attract or tempt by something flattering or desirable.
[2] to fascinate; charm.
[3] to be attractive or tempting.
[4] fascination; charm; appeal.
[5] alure.
[6] a passageway, as the walk along one side of a cloister.
[7] (tr) to entice or tempt (someone) to a person or place or to a course of action; attract
[8] attractiveness; appeal the cottage's allure was its isolation
Words related to Allurer
alluretemptation, magnetism, attraction, charisma, charm, enticement, glamor, beguile, bewitch, enchant, captivate, enchantment, come-on, lure, pull, bait, fascinate, seduce, decoy, draw
Words nearby Allurer
allureallport, allseed, allspice, allston, allude, allure, allurement, alluring, allusion, allusive, alluvial
Origin of Allurer
ure1250–1300; Middle English, also al(o)ur < Old French aleure passage, equivalent to ale walk (see alley1) + -ure -ure
Other words from Allurer
al·lur·er , noun
un·al·lured , adjective
Word origin for Allurer
C15: from Old French alurer, from lure bait, lure