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Showing words for ALSO using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Also
3 Letter Words for Also
Definitions for Also
[1] in addition; too; besides; as well: He was thin, and he was also tall.
[2] likewise; in the same manner: Since you're having another cup of coffee, I'll have one also.
[3] and: He was mean, also ugly.
[4] (sentence modifier) in addition; as well; too
[5] besides; moreover
Words related to Also
again, likewise, too, further, still, more, besides, additionally, along, and, furthermore, including, moreover, plus, withal
Words nearby Also
alsatian, alsek, alsike, alsike clover, alsip, also, also-ran, alsop, alston, alstroemeria, alström's syndrome
Origin of Also
1125–75; Middle English; Old English (e)alswā all (wholly or quite) so1; the meaning “wholly” thus implies replication and therefore “additionally, besides”
Word origin for Also
Old English alswā; related to Old High German alsō, Old Frisian alsa; see all , so 1
Synonyms for Also
again, further, likewise, more, still, too, besides, additionally, along, along with, and, as well, as well as, conjointly, furthermore, in conjunction with, in like manner, including, more than that, moreover, on top of, over and above, plus, to boot, together with, withal