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Showing words for ALTERER using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Alterer
6 Letter Words for Alterer
5 Letter Words for Alterer
4 Letter Words for Alterer
3 Letter Words for Alterer
Definitions for Alterer
[1] to make different in some particular, as size, style, course, or the like; modify: to alter a coat; to alter a will; to alter course.
[2] to castrate or spay.
[3] to change; become different or modified.
[4] to make or become different in some respect; change
[5] (tr) informal , mainly US a euphemistic word for castrate, spay
Words related to Alterer
alteradjective, adverb, conditioner, transformer, alterant
Words nearby Alterer
alteraltazimuth mount, altazimuth mounting, altdorf, altdorfer, alte pinakothek, alter, alter ego, alter idem, alter., alterable, alterant
Origin of Alterer
1350–1400; Middle English < Old French alterer < Late Latin alterāre to change, worsen, derivative of Latin alter other
Words that may be confused with Alterer
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, alteraltar, alter
Other words from Alterer
al·ter·er , noun
half-al·tered , adjective
pre·al·ter , verb (used with object)
re·al·ter , verb
un·al·ter·ing , adjective
well-al·tered , adjective
Word origin for Alterer
C14: from Old French alterer, from Medieval Latin alterāre to change, from Latin alter other