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Showing words for AMADOU using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Amadou
5 Letter Words for Amadou
4 Letter Words for Amadou
3 Letter Words for Amadou
Definitions for Amadou
[1] a spongy substance prepared from fungi, Polyporus (Fomes ) fomentarius and allied species, growing on trees, used as tinder and in surgery.
[2] a spongy substance made from certain fungi, such as Polyporus (or Fomes ) fomentarius and related species, used as tinder to light fires, in medicine to stop bleeding, and, esp formerly, by anglers to dry off dry flies between casts
Words nearby Amadou
amadis, amadis of gaul, amado, amadoda, amador guerrero, amadou, amagasaki, amah, amain, amakihi, amakrokokroko
Origin of Amadou
1805–15; < French, Middle French, apparently noun derivative of amadouer to coax, influence by flattery. verbal derivative of Provençal, Old Provençal amadou(r ) lover < Latin amātōr- , stem of amātor (see amateur); name is usually explained by the conventional association between love and highly combustible substances
Word origin for Amadou
C18: from French, from Provençal: lover, from Latin amātor, from amāre to love; so called because it readily ignites