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Showing words for AMAH using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Amah
amah, maha
3 Letter Words for Amah
aah, aam, aha, ama, ham, maa
Definitions for Amah
[1] a baby's nurse, especially a wet nurse.
[2] a female servant; maid.
[3] (in the East, esp formerly) a nurse or maidservant, esp one of Chinese origin Compare ayah
Words nearby Amah
amado, amadoda, amador guerrero, amadou, amagasaki, amah, amain, amakihi, amakrokokroko, amakwerekwere, amal.
Origin of Amah
1830–40; < Portuguese ama nurse, governess < Medieval Latin amma wet nurse, perhaps alteration of Latin mamma breast
Word origin for Amah
C19: from Portuguese ama nurse, wet nurse