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Showing words for AMALGAMATE using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Amalgamate


7 Letter Words for Amalgamate

amalgam, galatea, gametal, lemmata, magmata, malagma

6 Letter Words for Amalgamate

agalma, agleam, algate, malaga, malate, malmag, meatal, tamale

5 Letter Words for Amalgamate

agama, agata, agate, aglet, alate, algae, amaga, amala, amalg, amate, amlet, atame, galea, galet, gamma, gamme, gemma, gleam, lemma, magma, malam, malta, melam, metal, tagel, tagma, talea, talma, tamal, tmema

4 Letter Words for Amalgamate

agal, aget, agla, agma, alae, alem, alga, alma, alme, amal, amel, amla, amma, atle, atma, egal, egma, emma, gaea, gael, gaet, gala, gale, galt, gama, game, gata, gate, geal, geat, geta, glam, laet, lama, lame, lamm, lata, late, leam, leat, maam, maat, mage, mala, male, malm, malt, mama, mata, mate, meal, meat, mega, mela, melt, meta, mgal, mtge, taal, tael, tala, tale, tame, teal, team, tega, tela

3 Letter Words for Amalgamate

aal, aam, aga, age, agt, ala, ale, alg, alt, ama, ame, amt, ate, atm, eam, eat, ela, elm, elt, eta, gal, gam, gat, gel, gem, get, glt, gmt, gte, laa, lag, lam, lat, lea, leg, lem, let, ltm, maa, mae, mag, mal, mam, mat, mea, meg, mel, mem, met, mgt, mtg, taa, tag, tal, tam, tea, teg, tel, tem

Definitions for Amalgamate

[1] to mix or merge so as to make a combination; blend; unite; combine: to amalgamate two companies.
[2] Metallurgy . to mix or alloy (a metal) with mercury.
[3] to combine, unite, merge, or coalesce: The three schools decided to amalgamate.
[4] to blend with another metal, as mercury.
[5] to combine or cause to combine; unite
[6] to alloy (a metal) with mercury

Words related to Amalgamate

consolidate, incorporate, mingle, alloy, coalesce, unite, merge, fuse, combine, meld, compound, integrate, intermix, admix, ally, pool, network, interface

Words nearby Amalgamate

amalek, amalekite, amalfi, amalgam, amalgam tattoo, amalgamate, amalgamation, amalia, amalthaea, amalthea, aman

Origin of Amalgamate

1635–45 amalgam + -ate1

Other words from Amalgamate

a·mal·ga·ma·ble , adjective
a·mal·ga·ma·tive , adjective
a·mal·ga·ma·tor , noun
re·a·mal·ga·mate , verb, re·at·ed, re·at·ing.
un·a·mal·ga·ma·ble , adjective
un·a·mal·ga·mat·ed , adjective
un·a·mal·ga·mat·ing , adjective
un·a·mal·ga·ma·tive , adjective

Synonyms for Amalgamate

admix, alloy, ally, coalesce, combine, compound, consolidate, fuse, incorporate, integrate, intermix, meld, merge, mingle, network, pool, unite, come together, hook up with, interface, join together, team up, tie in, tie up