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Showing words for AMBLE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Amble
4 Letter Words for Amble
3 Letter Words for Amble
Definitions for Amble
[1] to go at a slow, easy pace; stroll; saunter: He ambled around the town.
[2] (of a horse) to go at a slow pace with the legs moving in lateral pairs and usually having a four-beat rhythm.
[3] an ambling gait.
[4] a slow, easy walk or gentle pace.
[5] a stroll.
[6] to walk at a leisurely relaxed pace
[7] (of a horse) to move slowly, lifting both legs on one side together
[8] to ride a horse at an amble or leisurely pace
[9] a leisurely motion in walking
[10] a leisurely walk
[11] the ambling gait of a horse
Words related to Amble
sashay, ramble, drift, wander, mosey, loiter, meander, toddle, saunter, stroll, ankle, dawdle, percolate, gander, boogie
Words nearby Amble
ambivalence, ambivalent, ambivalent sexism, ambiversion, ambivert, amble, ambler, ambleside, ambly-, amblyaphia, amblygeustia
Origin of Amble
1350–1400; Middle English < Middle French ambler < Latin ambulāre to walk, equivalent to amb- ambi- + -ulāre to step (*-el- + stem vowel -ā-; cognate with Welsh el- may go, Greek elaúnein to set in motion)
Other words from Amble
am·bler , noun
am·bling·ly , adverb
Word origin for Amble
C14: from Old French ambler, from Latin ambulāre to walk
Synonyms for Amble
drift, loiter, meander, mosey, ramble, sashay, saunter, stroll, toddle, wander, ankle, boogie, dawdle, gander, percolate, hoof it