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Showing words for AMBUSHMENT using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Ambushment


8 Letter Words for Ambushment

bashment, bushment, enambush, humanest, submenta, sunbathe

7 Letter Words for Ambushment

amentum, anethum, anthems, batsmen, bummest, bushman, bushmen, butanes, hetmans, humates, mashmen, mastmen, maumets, mentums, netbush, numbats, numbest, summate, sunbath, sunbeam, sunbeat, theasum, tubeman, unbaste, unbeast, uneaths, unhaste, untames, unteams

6 Letter Words for Ambushment

absent, absume, ambush, aments, amtmen, anthem, anthus, ashmen, athens, bahuts, bantus, basnet, basten, bathes, batmen, beaths, beatus, beauts, bentsh, besant, besmut, bhutan, buenas, bushet, busman, busmen, butane, embush, hasten, haunts, hausen, hetman, humane, humans, humate, manehs, mantes, mathes, matsue, maumet, meaths, meatus, mentha, mentum, mutase, nasute, numbat, shebat, shtumm, smeath, smeuth, snathe, sneath, stamen, stemma, subeth, subman, submen, subnet, summae, summat, sunhat, tabuns, taubes, thames, thanes, theban, themas, thumbs, tubman, tubmen, ummahs, unbase, uneath, unhate, unhats, unmast, unmate, unmesh, unmeth, unsame, unseam, unseat, untame, unteam

5 Letter Words for Ambushment

abets, abnet, abune, abuse, abush, abuts, ahems, ahent, ahunt, amens, ament, amuse, antes, antum, ashen, ashet, astun, atune, aunes, aunts, autem, bahts, bahut, banes, bants, bantu, banus, baste, bates, bathe, baths, baume, beams, beans, beant, beast, beath, beats, beaus, beaut, beman, bemas, bemat, bensh, bents, besan, besat, betas, beths, bhuts, buats, bunas, bunts, butea, butes, embus, emmas, enhat, esbat, estab, etnas, habet, habus, haems, hames, hamus, hanse, hants, hasnt, haste, hates, haunt, hause, haust, haute, heast, heats, heman, hents, human, humas, humet, hunts, mabes, mambu, maneh, manes, manet, manse, manus, mates, mathe, matsu, mauts, means, meant, meath, meats, menat, mensa, mensh, menta, menus, mesua, metas, meths, metus, munts, muset, musha, musth, mutes, nabes, nahum, names, nammu, nates, nathe, natus, neath, neats, nemas, neuma, neums, numbs, sahme, samen, satem, saunt, saute, sebat, sebum, senam, shame, shant, sheat, shema, shent, shtum, shuba, shune, shunt, shute, smeth, snath, stane, staun, steam, stean, stema, stube, stumm, suant, subah, subet, suent, sumen, summa, tabes, tabun, tames, tamus, tanhs, taube, teams, teman, thane, thans, thema, thens, thumb, tmema, tsuba, tuans, tubae, tubas, tubes, tunas, tunes, umest, ummah, ummas, umset, unbet, uneth, unhat, unmet, unset, usant, usent, usnea

4 Letter Words for Ambushment

abet, abut, ahem, ahum, ambe, amen, ammu, amus, anes, anet, ansu, ante, ants, antu, anus, asem, ates, aube, aune, aunt, aute, auth, bahs, baht, bams, bane, bans, bant, base, bash, bast, bate, bath, bats, baun, beam, bean, beat, beau, behn, bema, bena, bens, bent, besa, best, beta, beth, bets, bhat, bhut, bmus, buat, bums, buna, buns, bunt, bush, bust, bute, buts, eans, east, eath, eats, eaus, emma, emus, enam, esau, etas, eths, etna, etua, habu, haen, haes, hame, hams, hans, hant, hasn, hast, hate, hats, haum, haut, heat, hems, hens, hent, hest, hets, hubs, hues, huma, hums, huns, hunt, huse, hust, huts, mabe, maes, mahu, mams, mane, mans, mant, mase, mash, mast, masu, mate, math, mats, maun, maut, mean, meas, meat, mems, mens, ment, menu, mesa, mesh, mest, meta, meth, mets, meum, meus, mnas, mnem, mume, muns, munt, musa, muse, mush, must, muta, mute, muth, muts, nabe, nabs, nabu, name, nams, nash, nast, nats, natu, naut, neat, nebs, nema, nesh, nest, neth, nets, neum, neut, nubs, numb, nuts, sabe, same, samh, sane, sant, sate, saum, saut, seah, seam, sean, seat, sena, sent, seta, seth, shab, sham, shan, shea, shem, shet, shua, shun, shut, smut, snab, sneb, snub, snum, stab, stam, stem, sten, stub, stue, stum, stun, suba, suet, sune, sunt, tabs, taen, tame, tams, tane, tanh, tans, tash, tasu, taum, taun, taus, team, tean, teas, tems, tens, thae, than, thea, theb, them, then, thus, tsun, tuan, tuba, tube, tubs, tues, tume, tums, tuna, tune, tuns, tush, umma, unbe, unta, utah, utas, utes

3 Letter Words for Ambushment

abm, abn, abs, abt, abu, aes, ahs, ahu, amb, ame, amt, amu, ane, ans, ant, anu, asb, ase, ash, ast, ate, atm, auh, aum, bae, bah, bam, ban, bas, bat, ben, bes, bet, bns, bsh, btu, bum, bun, bus, but, eam, ean, eas, eat, eau, ebn, ebs, ehs, ems, emu, ens, esm, est, esu, eta, eth, hab, hae, ham, han, has, hat, hau, hem, hen, hes, het, hmm, hts, hub, hue, hum, hun, hut, mab, mae, mam, man, mas, mat, mau, mba, mea, meh, mem, men, mes, met, meu, mna, msb, msh, mst, mtn, mts, mum, mun, mus, mut, nab, nae, nah, nam, nas, nat, nbe, nea, neb, net, nth, nub, num, nus, nut, sab, sah, sam, san, sat, sau, sbe, sea, sem, sen, set, sha, she, sht, sma, sta, stm, sub, sue, sum, sun, tab, tam, tan, tas, tau, tbs, tea, tem, ten, tes, tha, thb, the, thm, tmh, tsh, tua, tub, tue, tum, tun, uhs, uma, ume, umm, ums, una, unb, unh, uns, usa, use, ush, ust, uta, ute, uts

Definitions for Ambushment

[1] an act or instance of lying concealed so as to attack by surprise: The highwaymen waited in ambush near the road.
[2] an act or instance of attacking unexpectedly from a concealed position.
[3] the concealed position itself: They fired from ambush.
[4] those who attack suddenly and unexpectedly from a concealed position.
[5] to attack from ambush.
[6] the act of waiting in a concealed position in order to launch a surprise attack
[7] a surprise attack from such a position
[8] the concealed position from which such an attack is launched
[9] the person or persons waiting to launch such an attack
[10] to lie in wait (for)
[11] (tr) to attack suddenly from a concealed position

Words related to Ambushment

ambushdeception, camouflage, shelter, concealment, trick, trap, lurking, pitfall, ambuscade, hiding, waiting

Words nearby Ambushment

ambushambulatory care, ambulatory surgery, ambulette, ambuscade, ambuscado, ambush, ambush bug, ambystomid, amc, amchitka, amd

Origin of Ambushment

1250–1300; (v.) Middle English enbuss(h)en < Middle French embuschier to place men in ambush, literally, to set in the woods, equivalent to em- im-1 + busch- (< Vulgar Latin *busca wood, forest < Germanic *busk- heavy stick) + -ier infinitive suffix; (noun) earlier enbusshe < Middle French embusche, derivative of the v.

Other words from Ambushment

am·bush·er , noun
am·bush·like , adjective

Word origin for Ambushment

C14: from Old French embuschier to position in ambush, from em- im- + -buschier, from busche piece of firewood, probably of Germanic origin; see bush 1

Synonyms for Ambushment

ambuscade, camouflage, concealment, deception, hiding, lurking, pitfall, shelter, trap, trick, waiting, waylaying, hiding place