12 Letter Words for Amphitheater
11 Letter Words for Amphitheater
ampitheater, herapathite
10 Letter Words for Amphitheater
amphithere, epithemata, hemiterata, metatheria
9 Letter Words for Amphitheater
hamartite, hemiptera, impetrate, materiate
8 Letter Words for Amphitheater
amaretti, arietate, atremate, attemper, earthpea, epithema, haeremai, hatteria, heartpea, heathier, heemraat, hematite, hemipter, hepatite, hetaerai, hetaeria, imperate, mahratti, mithraea, patriate, perthite, petteria, premiate, tephrite, teraphim, terephah, therapia, thermite, threapit, threepit
7 Letter Words for Amphitheater
ametria, amirate, amitate, amreeta, apatite, aphemia, aphrite, aphthae, apteria, arietta, ariette, artemia, emerita, emirate, emitter, empaire, emptier, ephraim, epithem, epithet, erathem, haptera, haptere, hartite, heapier, heather, hempier, heptite, hetaera, hetaira, hiemate, impetre, iterate, marathi, martite, materia, meatier, metreta, mitrate, paretta, parthia, partita, partite, paterae, pateria, pathema, patriae, peatier, pettier, phatter, pitarah, preheat, premate, primate, prithee, rathite, retempt, tearpit, teather, teatime, tempera, tempter, termite, theater, themata, thereat, thermit, thether, thither, timetrp, trampet, tritaph
6 Letter Words for Amphitheater
aerate, aether, ampere, amrita, aperea, apheta, aphtha, aptate, arette, armpit, attame, attire, attrap, either, emerit, emetia, empair, empare, empart, empire, epeira, epimer, epitra, hamate, hamite, hamper, hareem, harpia, hatter, heaper, hearie, hearth, heater, hemera, hempie, hereat, hermae, hermai, hermit, herpet, hertha, hether, hetter, hither, hitter, imaret, impart, imphee, maitre, mariet, marita, martha, matapi, mather, matier, matrah, matter, mattie, meathe, mehari, mehtar, meriah, metaph, metate, metepa, mether, metier, metria, mettar, mirate, mither, mithra, parate, pariah, pariet, partie, partim, patart, patera, patria, pattee, patter, pereia, perite, permit, petara, petate, pether, petite, petrie, pettah, petter, pirate, pitara, pitter, praham, pratie, premia, premit, pteria, raetam, ramate, raphia, ratite, reemit, reetam, reheap, reheat, remate, repeat, retama, retame, retape, reteam, retime, rhaphe, rimate, tamari, tamper, tapeta, tapete, tapeti, taraph, tatami, teamer, teathe, teihte, tempeh, temper, tempra, tempre, tephra, teraph, terata, tertia, tether, thairm, themer, therap, therme, thiram, thraep, threat, threep, threip, threpe, thrimp, tiamat, tipree, tither, tremie
5 Letter Words for Amphitheater
aerie, aetat, aheap, aimer, airth, amate, amati, amhar, amire, amper, amphi, amrit, apair, apart, apert, apter, arame, arati, areae, arepa, arete, arett, arhat, arite, arith, armet, armit, artha, atame, athar, atria, atrip, attap, attar, atter, earth, eater, eathe, eimer, ephah, erept, ermit, etape, ether, etiam, haire, haith, haram, harem, harim, hater, hathi, hatte, hatti, heame, heare, heart, heath, hepar, herem, herma, hermi, hiate, hiera, hiper, hiree, hithe, ihram, impar, imper, irate, ither, mahar, mahat, maire, marae, marah, maria, marie, matai, mater, matha, mathe, matie, matra, matta, matte, matti, meare, meath, meeth, meith, merit, metae, meter, metra, mirth, miter, mitra, mpret, mtier, pahmi, paire, pairt, parae, parah, param, parma, parte, parti, patee, patia, patta, patte, peare, peart, peert, perai, perea, perit, perth, petar, peter, petit, petre, petri, petti, phaet, phare, pharm, pheer, piert, pieta, pitta, praam, praha, prahm, praia, prate, pratt, preta, priam, prima, prime, raita, ramee, ramet, ramie, ramta, raphe, ratha, rathe, ratti, reame, reata, reate, rehem, remap, remet, remit, retem, rethe, retia, retie, retip, rhema, rheme, rhime, riata, rimae, rithe, tahar, taira, tamer, tampa, taper, tapet, tapia, tapir, tapit, tarea, tarie, tarte, tatar, tater, tatie, teart, teeth, tempe, tempt, terai, terap, terma, tetra, tetri, thaim, tharm, theah, theat, theer, theet, theia, their, thema, theme, there, therm, theta, thete, thirt, thrae, thram, thrap, three, thrip, tiara, timar, timer, timet, tirma, titar, titer, tithe, trait, trama, trame, tramp, trapa, trape, trapt, treat, tripe, tript, trite
4 Letter Words for Amphitheater
aarp, ahem, aire, airt, aith, amah, amar, amia, amie, amit, amra, apar, aper, apia, area, aret, aria, arte, atap, atar, atip, atma, atta, atte, eath, eira, eire, emer, emir, emit, empt, epha, epit, erat, eria, erie, erme, erth, etat, ethe, haar, haha, hair, hait, hame, hami, hare, harm, harp, hart, hate, hath, hatt, heap, hear, heat, heep, heer, heir, heme, hemp, hept, hera, here, herm, herp, hert, hete, heth, himp, hipe, hipt, hire, http, iaea, iare, irpe, item, iter, maar, maat, maha, maia, mair, mara, mare, mari, mart, mata, mate, math, mear, meat, meer, meet, mere, meri, meta, mete, meth, miae, mire, mite, mitt, paar, paha, pahi, pair, para, pare, pari, part, pata, pate, path, patt, peai, pear, peat, peer, pere, perh, peri, perm, pert, peta, pete, phar, phat, phit, pier, piet, pima, pita, pith, pram, prat, pree, prem, pret, prie, prim, ptah, raia, rait, rama, rame, rami, ramp, rape, rapt, rata, rate, rath, ream, reap, reem, reet, reim, reit, rept, rete, rhea, rhet, riem, rima, rime, ripa, ripe, ript, rita, rite, ritt, taar, taha, tahr, tait, tame, tamp, tapa, tape, tara, tare, tari, tarp, tart, tate, tath, team, teap, tear, teat, teem, teer, teet, tehr, teme, temp, tepa, tepe, tera, term, terp, tete, teth, thae, thai, thar, that, thea, thee, them, thir, tiar, tier, time, tipe, tipt, tire, tite, trah, tram, trap, trat, tree, tret, trie, trim, trip, trit
3 Letter Words for Amphitheater
aah, aam, aer, aha, ahh, ahi, aia, aim, air, ait, ama, ame, ami, amp, amt, apa, ape, aph, apr, apt, ara, are, arm, art, ate, atm, atp, att, eam, ear, eat, eer, eir, eme, emp, epa, epi, era, ere, ert, eta, eth, hae, ham, hap, hat, hee, heh, hei, hem, hep, her, het, hia, hie, him, hip, hir, hit, iaa, ihp, imp, iph, ipm, ipr, ira, ire, ita, maa, mae, map, mar, mat, mea, mee, meh, mei, mer, met, mia, mir, mit, mph, mri, pah, pam, par, pat, pea, pee, peh, per, pet, phi, phr, pht, pia, pie, pir, pit, pmt, pre, pta, pte, ptt, rah, rai, ram, rap, rat, rea, ree, reh, rei, rem, rep, rha, rhe, ria, rie, rim, rip, rit, rpm, rpt, rte, rti, taa, tai, tam, tap, tar, tat, tea, tee, tem, ter, tet, tha, the, thm, tie, tim, tip, tit, tmh, tph, tpi, tpm, tra, tri, trm, trp, trt
Definitions for Amphitheater
[1] an oval or round building with tiers of seats around a central open area, as those used in ancient Rome for gladiatorial contests.
[2] any similar place for public contests, games, performances, exhibitions, etc.; an arena, stadium, or auditorium.
[3] a room having tiers of seats arranged around a central area, in which students and other observers can view surgery, hear lectures, etc.
[4] British . the first section of seats in the gallery of a theater. a designated section of seats in any part of a theater.
[5] a level area of oval or circular shape surrounded by rising ground.
Words related to Amphitheater
auditorium, oval, coliseum, grandstand, stadium
Words nearby Amphitheater
amphistomatal, amphistome, amphistomous, amphistylar, amphithalamus, amphitheater, amphitheatre, amphithecium, amphithemis, amphithuron, amphithyra
Origin of Amphitheater
1540–50; < Latin amphitheātrum < Greek amphithéātron. See amphi-, theater
Other words from Amphitheater
am·phi·the·at·ric [am-fuh -thee-a -trik] /ˌæm fə θiˈæ trɪk/ , am·phi·the·at·ri·cal , adjective
am·phi·the·at·ri·cal·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Amphitheater
auditorium, coliseum, grandstand, oval, stadium