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Showing words for AMUSE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Amuse
4 Letter Words for Amuse
3 Letter Words for Amuse
Definitions for Amuse
[1] to hold the attention of (someone) pleasantly; entertain or divert in an enjoyable or cheerful manner: She amused the guests with witty conversation.
[2] to cause mirth, laughter, or the like, in: The comedian amused the audience with a steady stream of jokes.
[3] to cause (time, leisure, etc.) to pass agreeably.
[4] Archaic . to keep in expectation by flattery, pretenses, etc.
[5] Obsolete . to engross; absorb. to puzzle; distract.
[6] to keep pleasantly occupied; entertain; divert
[7] to cause to laugh or smile
Words related to Amuse
tickle, gratify, wow, please, delight, cheer, charm, regale, fracture, slay, occupy, kill, interest, gladden, divert, panic, grab
Words nearby Amuse
amur, amur cork tree, amur privet, amurca, amusable, amuse, amuse-bouche, amuse-gueule, amused, amusement, amusement arcade
Origin of Amuse
1470–80; < Middle French amuser “to divert, amuse”; see a-5, muse
Other words from Amuse
a·mus·a·ble , adjective
a·mus·er , noun
un·a·mus·a·ble , adjective
un·a·mus·a·bly , adverb
Word origin for Amuse
C15: from Old French amuser to cause to be idle, from muser to muse 1
Synonyms for Amuse
charm, cheer, delight, gratify, please, regale, tickle, wow, divert, fracture, gladden, grab, interest, kill, occupy, panic, slay, break one up, crack up, knock dead, make roll in the aisles, put away