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Showing words for ANALYSIS using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Analysis
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5 Letter Words for Analysis
4 Letter Words for Analysis
3 Letter Words for Analysis
Definitions for Analysis
[1] the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis).
[2] this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its essential features and their relations: the grammatical analysis of a sentence.
[3] a presentation, usually in writing, of the results of this process: The paper published an analysis of the political situation.
[4] a philosophical method of exhibiting complex concepts or propositions as compounds or functions of more basic ones.
[5] Mathematics . an investigation based on the properties of numbers. the discussion of a problem by algebra, as opposed to geometry. the branch of mathematics consisting of calculus and its higher developments. a system of calculation, as combinatorial analysis or vector analysis. a method of proving a proposition by assuming the result and working backward to something that is known to be true. Compare synthesis(def 4) .
[6] Chemistry . intentionally produced decomposition or separation of materials into their ingredients or elements, as to find their kind or quantity. the ascertainment of the kind or amount of one or more of the constituents of materials, whether obtained in separate form or not. Compare qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis.
[7] psychoanalysis.
[8] Computers . systems analysis.
[9] the division of a physical or abstract whole into its constituent parts to examine or determine their relationship or value Compare synthesis (def. 1)
[10] a statement of the results of this
[11] short for psychoanalysis
[12] chem the decomposition of a substance into its elements, radicals, or other constituents in order to determine the kinds of constituents present (qualitative analysis ) or the amount of each constituent (quantitative analysis ) the result obtained by such a determination
[13] linguistics the use of word order together with word function to express syntactic relations in a language, as opposed to the use of inflections Compare synthesis (def. 4)
[14] maths the branch of mathematics principally concerned with the properties of functions, largely arising out of calculus
[15] philosophy (in the writings of Kant) the separation of a concept from another that contains it Compare synthesis (def. 6a)
[16] in the last analysis , in the final analysis or in the ultimate analysis after everything has been given due consideration
Words related to Analysis
search, study, scrutiny, investigation, inquiry, test, reasoning, interpretation, judgment, summary, finding, report, opinion, evaluation, breakdown, division, partition, subdivision, dissolution, dissection
Words nearby Analysis
analogy test, analphabet, analphabetic, analysand, analyse, analysis, analysis of variance, analysis situs, analyst, analyt., analyte
Origin of Analysis
1575–85; < New Latin < Greek, equivalent to analȳ́(ein ) to loosen up (ana- ana- + lȳ́ein to loosen) + -sis -sis
Other words from Analysis
mis·a·nal·y·sis , noun, plural mis·a·nal·y·ses.
o·ver·a·nal·y·sis , noun, plural o·ver·a·nal·y·ses.
re·a·nal·y·sis , noun, plural re·a·nal·y·ses.
Word origin for Analysis
C16: from New Latin, from Greek analusis, literally: a dissolving, from analuein, from ana- + luein to loosen
Synonyms for Analysis
inquiry, investigation, reasoning, scrutiny, search, study, test, assay, breakdown, dissection, dissolution, division, partition, resolution, separation, subdivision