8 Letter Words for Ancestry
7 Letter Words for Ancestry
canters, carnets, encraty, nectars, nectary, recants, scanter, scenary, sectary, tanrecs, trances, traynes
6 Letter Words for Ancestry
antres, ascent, astern, atresy, ayenst, caners, canter, carest, carets, careys, carnet, carsey, cartes, casern, casten, caster, caters, catery, centas, centra, centry, cranes, cranet, craney, crants, crates, creant, creasy, crenas, cretan, cryste, cytase, enacts, encyst, enstar, estray, eyrant, nacres, nectar, rances, raynes, reacts, reasty, recant, recast, renays, rescan, sarney, scanty, scraye, scryne, secant, senary, sentry, stance, starny, stayer, stayne, stayre, stenar, strany, tanrec, tansey, tenacy, traces, trance, transe, trayne, tyrans, yarest, yearns, yentas
5 Letter Words for Ancestry
acers, acnes, acres, ancre, anser, antes, antre, antsy, arces, arent, arest, arets, artsy, ascry, aster, astre, async, atren, ayens, ayres, caner, canes, canst, cants, canty, cares, caret, carey, carne, carns, carny, carse, carte, carts, carty, caser, caste, cater, cates, cents, ceras, cerat, certs, certy, cesar, cesta, crane, crans, crany, crate, craye, crays, crena, crest, creta, cryst, csnet, cyans, cytes, earns, earst, ecart, enact, enray, entry, entsy, escar, escry, etnas, eyras, nacre, nacry, narcs, nares, nasty, nates, nears, neats, nerts, nesty, races, rance, rants, ranty, rasen, rasty, rates, rayne, react, reans, reast, reasy, renay, rents, resat, resay, resty, retan, sacre, sacry, sanct, saner, santy, satyr, sayer, sayne, scant, scare, scarn, scart, scary, sceat, scena, scent, scrae, scran, scrat, scray, seary, serac, serta, snare, snary, stane, stare, starn, stary, stean, stear, stern, strae, stray, strey, styan, styca, styre, syren, taces, tansy, tares, tarns, tarse, taser, tayer, tears, teary, teasy, teras, terna, terns, trace, trans, trasy, trays, treas, treys, tyers, tynes, tyran, yarns, yates, yeans, yearn, years, yeast, yeats, yenta, yrent
4 Letter Words for Ancestry
acer, aces, acne, acre, acts, ance, anes, anet, anre, ante, ants, arcs, aren, ares, aret, arte, arts, arty, astr, ates, atry, ayen, ayes, ayne, ayre, cane, cans, cant, cany, care, carn, cars, cart, case, cast, cate, cats, cays, ceas, cens, cent, cera, cern, cert, cest, cran, cray, cres, crts, cyan, cyst, cyte, eans, earn, ears, east, easy, eats, ency, entr, eras, erat, erns, erst, esca, etas, etna, eyas, eyra, nace, narc, nare, nary, nast, natr, nats, nays, near, neat, nest, nets, nsec, nyas, nyes, nyet, race, racy, rane, rant, rast, rate, rats, rays, rean, recs, rect, rent, reny, rest, rets, ryas, ryen, ryes, rynt, sane, sant, sare, sart, sate, scan, scar, scat, scet, scry, scye, scyt, sean, sear, seat, sect, secy, sena, sent, sert, seta, snar, snye, srac, star, stay, sten, ster, stey, stra, stre, syce, syen, sync, syne, syre, syrt, tace, taen, tane, tans, tare, tarn, tars, tays, tean, tear, teas, teca, tens, tera, tern, trac, tray, tres, trey, trna, trye, tyer, tyes, tyne, yare, yarn, yate, yean, year, yeas, yeat, yens, yern, yest, yeta
3 Letter Words for Ancestry
ace, act, acy, aer, aes, anc, ane, ans, ant, any, arc, are, arn, ars, art, ary, ase, ast, ate, aye, ayr, ays, can, car, cat, cay, cen, cer, cns, crs, crt, cry, cst, cte, ctn, ctr, cts, ean, ear, eas, eat, ect, enc, ens, era, ern, ers, ert, esc, esr, est, eta, etc, ety, eyn, eyr, nae, nar, nas, nat, nay, nea, net, nye, nys, ran, ras, rat, ray, rct, rea, rec, res, rna, rte, rya, rye, sac, san, sar, sat, say, scr, sct, sea, sec, sen, ser, set, sey, sny, sta, str, sty, sye, syn, syr, tan, tar, tas, tay, tea, tec, ten, ter, tes, tra, trs, try, tye, tyr, yan, yar, yas, yat, yea, yen, yer, yes, yet, yrs
Definitions for Ancestry
[1] family or ancestral descent; lineage.
[2] honorable or distinguished descent: famous by title and ancestry.
[3] a series of ancestors: His ancestry settled Utah.
[4] the inception or origin of a phenomenon, object, idea, or style.
[5] the history or developmental process of a phenomenon, object, idea, or style.
[6] lineage or descent, esp when ancient, noble, or distinguished
[7] ancestors collectively
Words related to Ancestry
origin, parentage, descent, genealogy, antecedent, forebear, extraction, heritage, lineage, ancestor, progenitor, race, pedigree, forefather, precursor, house, breed, kindred, source, forerunner
Words nearby Ancestry
ancaster, ancestor, ancestor worship, ancestral, ancestress, ancestry, anch'ing, anchises, ancho, anchor, anchor baby
Origin of Ancestry
1300–50; Middle English, equivalent to ancestre ancestor + -y3; replacing Middle English aunce(s)trie < Anglo-French
Synonyms for Ancestry
ancestor, antecedent, descent, extraction, forebear, genealogy, heritage, lineage, origin, parentage, blood, breed, breeding, derivation, forefather, foremother, forerunner, house, kindred, line, pedigree, precursor, primogenitor, progenitor, race, source, stock, antecessor, foregoer