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Showing words for ANENCEPHALY using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Anencephaly


9 Letter Words for Anencephaly

elephancy, encephala

8 Letter Words for Anencephaly

acalephe, acephaly, anyplace, phenacyl

7 Letter Words for Anencephaly

acaleph, acephal, alhenna, anelace, cannele, capanne, capelan, cayenne, cephala, channel, cheapen, cheaply, claypan, cyanean, enhance, enplane, halpace, heelcap, hypnale, lycaena, lyncean, panache, peachen, pelecan, penance, penancy, planche

6 Letter Words for Anencephaly

achape, achene, aenach, aenean, alahee, alpeen, alphyn, anhele, anlace, annale, annaly, anneal, apache, aplace, apneal, calean, canale, canape, canela, cannae, cannel, caplan, cephen, chalan, chanal, chapel, cheapy, cheepy, chelae, clayen, cyanea, elance, elaphe, elench, enaena, enlace, epenla, haycap, helena, helenn, henley, henpen, heynne, heypen, hylean, lancha, leachy, lyance, pacane, palace, palach, paleae, panace, panela, pannel, payena, peachy, peahen, pechan, pechay, pelean, pencel, pencey, penche, pennal, penney, pheeal, phenyl, phylae, planch, pleach, plench, yachan, yancha

5 Letter Words for Anencephaly

acale, aheap, alane, alcea, aleph, aleye, alpen, alpha, ancle, anele, annal, apace, apnea, ayelp, calan, calpa, calpe, canal, canap, caneh, canel, canna, canny, capel, caple, chape, chaya, cheap, cheep, chela, chelp, chena, chyle, clape, claye, clean, cleep, clepe, clype, echea, enlay, hanap, hance, hanna, haply, hayle, hayne, heapy, helen, hence, henen, henna, henny, hyena, lacey, lache, lance, lanch, laney, layne, leach, leany, leche, leech, lehay, lench, lycae, lycea, lycee, lynch, nache, nahal, nance, nancy, napal, napea, neela, nepal, npeel, nyala, pacay, pacey, pacha, paean, palay, palch, palea, pance, panel, panne, payee, payen, peace, peach, pecan, penal, pence, penna, penne, penny, phane, pheal, phene, phyla, phyle, place, plane, playa, plena, pleny, pyche, yacal, yahan, yanan, yeech

4 Letter Words for Anencephaly

ache, achy, acle, acne, acyl, ahey, alae, alan, alap, alay, alca, alce, alec, alee, alen, alep, anal, anan, anay, ance, anna, anne, apay, ayah, ayen, ayne, calp, cane, cann, cany, capa, cape, caph, cele, cene, cepa, cepe, chaa, chal, chan, chap, chay, chee, chen, clan, clap, clay, clee, clep, cyan, each, eale, eche, eech, eely, elan, elec, elne, encl, ency, epha, eyah, eyen, eyne, haec, haen, hala, hale, halp, haya, haye, heal, heap, heel, heep, hela, hele, help, hyen, hyla, hyle, hyne, hype, lace, lacy, laen, lana, lane, lean, leap, lech, leep, lena, lene, lepa, lych, lyne, lynn, naan, nace, nach, nael, nala, nale, nana, nane, napa, nape, neal, neap, neep, nene, nepa, nypa, paal, paca, pace, pacy, paha, pala, pale, paly, pana, pane, paye, peal, pean, pech, peel, peen, pela, pele, pene, plan, play, plea, pnce, pyal, pyla, pyne, yale, yana, yapa, yeah, yean, yech, yeel, yelp

3 Letter Words for Anencephaly

aah, aal, ace, ach, acy, aha, ala, alc, ale, aln, alp, aly, ana, anc, ane, ann, any, apa, apc, ape, aph, apl, aye, cal, can, cap, cay, cee, cel, cen, cep, cha, che, chn, cly, cpa, cpl, cyl, cyp, ean, ech, eec, eel, een, ela, enc, ene, enl, epa, eye, eyl, eyn, hae, han, hap, hay, hcl, hee, hel, hen, hep, hey, hny, hye, hyp, laa, lac, lah, lan, lap, lay, lca, lea, lee, lep, ley, lpn, lyc, lye, lyn, naa, nae, nah, nap, nay, nea, nee, nep, nne, nye, pac, pah, pal, pan, pay, pea, pec, pee, peh, pel, pen, ply, pya, pye, yah, yan, yap, yea, yee, yeh, yen, yep

Definitions for Anencephaly

[1] congenital absence of part or all of the brain.

Words nearby Anencephaly

anemoscope, anemosis, anemotaxis, anemotropism, anencephalic, anencephaly, anenst, anent, anephric, anepigraphic, anergic leishmaniasis

Origin of Anencephaly

From New Latin, dating back to 1825–35; see origin at an-1, encephal-, -y3

Other words from Anencephaly

an·en·ce·phal·ic [an-en-suh -fal -ik, an-en-] /ˌæn ɛn səˈfæl ɪk, ænˌɛn-/ , an·en·ceph·a·lous , adjective
an′en•ce•phal′ ic (-sə-făl′ ĭk ) null adj.