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Showing words for ANETHOLE using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Anethole


7 Letter Words for Anethole

anethol, enolate, entheal, ethanol, ethenol, lethean

6 Letter Words for Anethole

aethon, anhele, anthol, athene, elanet, enhalo, eothen, etalon, ethane, ethnal, ethnol, hantle, heaten, helena, lanete, lateen, lathee, lathen, loathe, nothal, oleate, onethe, taheen, thenal, tolane

5 Letter Words for Anethole

ahent, aholt, alhet, alone, anele, anlet, anole, atelo, athel, atlee, atole, atone, eaten, eathe, elate, enate, enhat, ental, entea, ethal, ethel, halon, halte, haole, hatel, helen, helot, hotel, hoten, laten, lathe, laton, leath, lenth, lento, leone, lethe, loath, lohan, lotah, lotan, nathe, neath, neela, notal, oaten, oelet, olena, olent, ontal, talon, tenla, thane, theol, thole, thone, tolan, tonal

4 Letter Words for Anethole

alee, alen, aloe, alto, anet, ante, atle, eale, eath, elan, elne, enol, ento, eoan, eole, eten, ethe, etna, eton, haen, hale, halo, halt, hant, hate, heal, heat, heel, hela, hele, helo, hent, hete, hola, hole, holt, hone, hont, hote, htel, laen, laet, lane, lant, late, lath, lean, leat, leet, lena, lene, leno, lent, leon, lete, leto, loan, lone, lota, lote, nael, nale, natl, nato, neal, neat, neet, nete, neth, noah, noel, nole, nolt, nota, note, oath, olea, tael, taen, tale, tane, tanh, teal, tean, teel, teen, tela, tele, tene, thae, than, thea, thee, then, thon, toea, tola, tole, tone

3 Letter Words for Anethole

aho, ale, aln, alo, alt, ane, ant, ate, ean, eat, eel, een, ela, elt, ene, enl, eon, eta, eth, hae, han, hao, hat, hee, hel, hen, heo, het, hoa, hoe, hol, hon, hot, lah, lan, lao, lat, lea, lee, leo, let, loa, loe, lot, nae, nah, nat, nea, nee, neo, net, noa, noh, nol, not, nth, oat, ola, ole, ona, one, ont, tal, tan, tao, tea, tee, tel, ten, tha, the, tho, tln, tlo, toa, toe, tol, ton

Definitions for Anethole

[1] a white, crystalline powder, C10 H12 O, having a sweet taste, obtained from anise or fennel oils or synthesized: used chiefly in perfumes, dentifrices, flavoring, synthesis of anisaldehyde, and in medicine as an antiseptic and carminative.
[2] a white water-soluble crystalline substance with a liquorice-like odour, used as a flavouring and a sensitizer in the processing of colour photographs. Formula: CH 3 CH:CHC 6 H 4 OCH 3

Words nearby Anethole

anesthetic leprosy, anesthetist, anesthetize, anestrous, anestrus, anethole, aneto, anetoderma, aneuch, aneuploid, aneuploidy

Origin of Anethole

1860–65; < Greek ánēth(on ) dill, anise + -ole2

Word origin for Anethole

C19: from Latin anēthum dill, anise, from Greek anēthon