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Showing words for ANNEALED using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Annealed
6 Letter Words for Annealed
5 Letter Words for Annealed
4 Letter Words for Annealed
3 Letter Words for Annealed
Definitions for Annealed
[1] to heat (glass, earthenware, metals, etc.) to remove or prevent internal stress.
[2] to free from internal stress by heating and gradually cooling.
[3] to toughen or temper.
[4] Biochemistry . to recombine (nucleic acid strands) at low temperature after separating by heat.
[5] to fuse colors onto (a vitreous or metallic surface) by heating.
[6] an act, instance, or product of annealing.
[7] to temper or toughen (something) by heat treatment
[8] to subject to or undergo some physical treatment, esp heating, that removes internal stress, crystal defects, and dislocations
[9] (tr) to toughen or strengthen (the will, determination, etc)
[10] (often foll by out) physics to disappear or cause to disappear by a rearrangement of atoms defects anneal out at different temperatures
[11] an act of annealing
Words related to Annealed
annealharden, thicken, toughen, temper
Words nearby Annealed
annealanne of bohemia, anne of brittany, anne of cleves, anne of denmark, anne of france, anneal, annectent, annectent gyrus, annecy, annelid, annelida
Origin of Annealed
before 1000; Middle English anelen, Old English anǣlan to kindle, equivalent to an- on + ǣlan to burn, akin to āl fire
Other words from Annealed
an·neal·er , noun
un·an·nealed , adjective
Word origin for Annealed
Old English onǣlan, from on + ǣlan to burn, from āl fire